Chpater 1:

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Aleigha's POV:

Sunday January 20th, 2007 I am 16 years old. I just started a new High school with no friends, I'm kind of an army 'brat' and get dragged wherever my parents do. This time I was promised we would be here until graduation, that one I hear a lot. Currently we are stopped in Los Angeles, California where everyone smokes weed and drinks until they can't see 2 feet in front of them. I usually make friends pretty quickly which makes it even harder to leave everything behind, I try not to complain, I have everything I could ever want. I have parents who give their lives to the country and they try to make everything easy.

I set my alarm for 7:00 A.M. which is extremely early since school doesn't start until 10:00 A.M, but it's always nice to be prepared. My mother walks in wearing a tight black dress with blinding red lipstick, she never dresses nice she usually is bouncing around in sweatpants and an old ratty t-shirt.

"Me and your father are going out tonight," She winks. "If you want to go sight seeing I left the keys and money on the table."

"Oh cool thanks, when will you be back?"

She shrugged stumbling into my door then looking at it confused, like the door bumped into her. Something else I forgot to mention, my mother is a raging alcoholic. She's been kicked out of the national guard 3 times and sent to rehab, she doesn't know when enough's enough.

I looked at my clock to see it was only 5:30, I grabbed my jacket, the keys, and the $100 bill placed lazily on the counter and headed out. I was not familiar with the roads or anything here so I just went random directions until I finally came across the famous Hollywood Blvd. street sign. I parked on the side and paid the meter with the few coins I had in my wallet, I went into a few stores not really seeing anything that interested me. I looked down at my phone checking some missed text messages from my mom, not even a second after looking down I was knocked to the ground by a figure also checking their phone.

"Hey!" I shouted at the figure picking my now shattered phone off of the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't even see you there."

"Well obviously not, you need to watch where your-" I cut myself off as I looked at the tall handsome towering figure above me with his hand out.

I grabbed his hand placing myself to my feet now, when I finally got up he was still towering over me. He had brown hair perfectly placed to one side, he wore a red flannel and black jeans with two rips in the knees, and had the most vibrant brown eyes.

"Are you okay?" He chuckled noticing me staring.

"Uh yeah sorry.."

"I'll pay to get your phone fixed."

I twisted my face uncomfortably, "It's fine it'll cost a lot of money, I can just go get a new one."

"Buying a new one will cost even more and besides it's my fault I should've been paying attention to where I was going."

"Well I have to be home because I have school tomorrow, I can give you my number though if you want to meet up another time?"

He laughed once again, "I thought it would take a lot more than that to just get you're number."

I didn't know how to feel about his 'sly' comment but I kept that to myself. After exchanging numbers with him I swiftly made my way to the car hopping in. I couldn't stop thinking about the stranger I had just met, I didn't even get his name...

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