The Choice

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Through out my life there have been alot of choice, not just with everyday things but with my chocie of religion and way of life, the chocie of love or friendship. But the biggest choice of all was the choice of love or family. And that is my story....

Chapter 1

Church. We go every Sunday which is the Sabbath day but my family aren't the same as the other christain families, not because my father is a very christian and preeches every Sunday about saving Gods world and that he is disapointed with what we have done with the world. And its not because my mother is a palm reader and tea leaves reader and maybe just maybe the fact that she belives in black magic and the art of sorccery. Oh no, its because of me and my siblings Monroe, Trinity and Hex...Oh, and me Karma. All our names mean something that's why there different because know one elses name means the same as mine or my sister or my brothers. Monroe, who is 22 has been in prison 3 times for theft, drink driving and holding possesion of drugs but other than that he is an ok brother. Monroe is after Marilyn Monroe who my mother thinks was an angel sent from heaven to inspire the world with her music and acting but my father thinks she was a devil sent from hell to show what the devil can do. (Because she died of drugs.) She is also one of the many people that inspired my brother to take drugs along with Elvis. Know on to Trinity who's 20, was meant to be triplets, as my mother told my father that's one reason why she's called Trinity because it means three people. But, it als has a religious meaning which my father is very happy about. Trinity in a religious point of view means God in three people, such as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Trinity is 16 and hates having her name having a religious meaning but she shortens it to Trinny but me and Monroe think it sounds like Tranny! Hex's (who's 18) name means to cast a spell on someone or something, tah's one of the reasons why the church people hate my mother because she named one of her children after the devils power. But in a way its funny to tell the children at church that if they ever tease or bully use then Hex with curse them forever!!! And of course not forgetting me, my name as everybody knows means what goes around comes around, but my father beeing my father always tells me the religious side of it which is. "Every mainstream religion teaches us about the consequences of our actions. The explanations may differ, but does it really matter in the end whether the law of karma causes us trouble or God himself in his final judgement?" And then my mother joins in by telling me the 5 Watch Your which I have painted on one of my bedroom walls;

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.

Watch your words, for they become actions.

Watch your actions, for they become habits.

Watch your habits, for they become character.

Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Any way, we were at church and my fater was doing one of his preechings when I couldn't help but listening to the old women sat bhind us."You see that woman with those awful braids, well her eldest son has been in prison 3 times and she is expecting another baby which, by the way is going to be named after a herb if its a girl and Prince if its a boy! I mean, that should be classed as child abuse!" That made my blood boil some much so that you could have fried an egg on my face! So what if my new baby sister is going to be called Lavender or my new baby brother is called Prince, its my mother chocie and hatever she chooses it will be fine by me! "That's awful! And her husband is the worst preecher I have ever heard in my life time and I have lived a very long life. And those awful braids, honestly the gypsies get them at there devil fairs! I think, I very long talk with social services could be the answer to there problems!" That ws it. That was the final straw, but before I could say anything Monroe beat me to it. He stood up turned around and slamed his fists down on the wooden pue whih caught the ladies attention. Then he soke with a voice like thunder that echoed through out the church. "HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT MY FAMILY LIKE THAT! YOU CALL YOURSELF GOD'S PEOPLE? WELL, I DON'T THINK GOD WOULD LIKE PEOPLE MAKE STUPID COMMENTS ABOUT FAMILIES THEY HAVE NEVER EVEN MET?!?! OK, SO I MAY HAVE BEEN IN PRISON 3 TIMES AND I KNOW I'M NO ANGEL, BUT AT LEAST I DON'T STAND THERE WHISPERING AWAY ABOUT A FAMILY I'VE NEVER EVEN MET!" Then it all happened so fast it was a blur. Monroe jumped of the pue and walked alon to where the women were sitting right on the end (whilest shouting every God feared name as loud as he could!) My father and 3 other men had to grab him and wrestle him to the ground but he would not stop shouting, so one man punched him in the face and then all you could hear was my mother screaming! As my father and the men carried Monroe outside my mother followed sobbing as load as she could while Trinity and Hex followed. So that just left me standing on my own with every single pair of eyes in the great church glaring at me. In the end I just ran out shouting. "Sorry for the disturbance folkd!" And ended up outside with my bewildered family. "Why Monroe...Why? Its never bothered you before, so why do something now?" My father said as he questioned my brother as my mother mopped up his cut eyebrow. Just before he spoke, Monroe pushed my mother and looked us all in the eyes. When he looked at me his eyes were full of tears, sweat and blood and then he spoke. "I did it for HER. I did it so that mom wouldn't have to think that everybody was her friend when really the hate her. They laugh behind your back mom! There not your friends and do you know why? Because were so fucking dierent,that's why. There afraid of us because we are too fucking different..." Then the great man, my big brotherwho has been drinking and driving, stolen and even had possesion of drugs broke down into loods of tears, which became sobs, which then became calls for my mother who bent down beside her son and cradled him like a baby whilest the rest of stood and watched. Then my mother spoke, only a few words though but they ment so much to Monroe..."I know baby...I know..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2012 ⏰

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