De Memes

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"Mood," said Drew ducking underneath his seat. 

"No!" yelled Danny, "No more memes bahhhh!" 

Suddenly, the level 99 boss came through the window, looking at the two pitiful faces of the YouTubers at his feet.

"Haha you kissed but well that's how mafia works," the level 99 boss said. 

"What's with all these memes from like two weeks ago?" exclaimed Danny, clinging to Drew's arm. 

"I don't know, but kiss me again!" exclaimed Drew. The sexual tension from Danny holding his arm was killing him. 

Danny and Drew embraced and kissed vigorously while the BFI took them out through the hole they made in the wall. The 99 level boss tossed a trillion dollars to the secretary of the hotel to make up for the window.

The YouTubers found themselves in a torture room. They were tied to chairs while the Backpack kid sang "I be flosssiiiiiiiin" in front of them continuously.  Suddenly, they couldn't take it anymore. 

"What do you want from us? We'll do anything!!" they screamed in perfect unison, somehow. Instead, they heard an evil laugh behind them as the screen changed to the slime making video part 2 the long-awaited sequel by Colinssss Key, not to be mistaken with his much worse brother, Devin, without an s.  

Suddenly a giant robot penguin emerged from the shadows the penguin opened and out came a baby-sized adult he said hehe then he said you shall help me steal a million lollipops.

The baby-sized adult puked, and out came a key. The Collins Key. This was the thing they needed to find out how to become multi-million dollar YouTubers. 

"Ohhhhh noooo!!!" screamed Danny as he looked lovingly at Drew. 

"I guess you have to make a song now," Drew said sadly. 

"Yes," replied Danny, "and I have to flex in it." 

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