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    Well tonight was a disaster! Master's phone rang, and of course he had to take care of that. I took Sam to my room so that I could have my own time to relax. I didn't know what to do, so I guess I decided to call Clare.
    "Hello?" She sounded like she was just woken up. She also sounded angry.
    "Hey, wacha doin?" I done know why, but I sounded nervous . Maybe because it's been a while since I've talked to her.
    "Well, I was just sleeping. How are you Bethy?" She asked.
     "Um... How should I put this?" for real though, the last thing I want to do is tell her about Master, "I'm doing fine."
    "Fine? Since when are you fine?" She sounded more angry. "Look," she continued, "You and I haven't been having much of our girly time together... So I think we should call it a night, huh?" Then she hung up.
    What's her problem? I decided to let it go. Good now.
    When I go down stairs I see Sam laying in the couch sleeping, and of course no sign of Master.
    "Come here Sammy!" I feel ridiculous when I use my puppy dog voice on Sam, but whatever. "Your such a good boy, aren't you?" I tickle his ears, and scratch his tiny, little nose.
     "I remember when I was a little boy I would be passing through the dog park," Master said behind me, making me jump, "I would stop and baby talk the dogs." He smiles shyly.
     "So you where a little boy once, huh?" I smile stupidly, and like always... He shrugs. "Not that, that's a bad thing or anything." I wink.
    He narrows his eye's as if trying to say "Watch it" but he says nothing. He walks towards his room, and I knew that he was done for the night.
    "Hey, wait! You and I ain't gonna do it?" I ask feeling very disappointed. "I mean, we just had a think going on in there," I point to the kitchen, "And now your just gonna leave me horny and pretty?"
    He laughs which makes me frown. "Horny and pretty? Is that what you just said?" His smile grows bigger now.
    I roll my eye's at him. "You can be the most annoying person ever, you know that?" I glare at him.
    He stops smiling and now has a blank face. Wow! Mood swings are seriously trending right now. "Well, little Miss. Horny and Pretty. Let's. Get. This. Over. With." He stops in between each word, which makes he feel nervous.

"Oh, my god!" I shout as he slams into me between each thrust. "Fuck that feels so g-good."
    He keeps going until he comes, and leaves me hanging. "God, do you get any better?" He mutters as he lays next to me.
    "I'm better when I come too." I smile at him, but he winks and does nothing. "What your not letting me come?" I sit up so I can face him better.
    He shrugs. "Nah, you was talking that shit earlier," He winks again, and I know he's talking about the little boy comment I made earlier, "Talk shit now."

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