Prologue Part 1

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Almost 3 years old, and already Ruby was quite possibly the purest soul and most adorable thing in existence. She was almost always happy or excited about something. She never stayed sad or upset long. She was also incredibly kind and compassionate for her age. She always tried to help those in distress around her, even if all she could do was try to cheer them up. The only fault that only certain individuals found about her was her wolf ears. Both her parents are humans with no faunus genies

but after she turned 3 her family started to neglect her, she kept asking them why but the never answered. When she turned 6 things got worse, they started to abuses her, eventually after a short period of time her aunt and uncle joined in.

(Location: Patch, Time: 7:00)

Summer: "Worthless."

Tai: "Waste of space."

Yang: "Poor excuse of family"

That was what they said before leaving a bloodied and broken ruby rose in her room, all it had in it was a desk and a mattress. Ruby was currently on the mattress crying herself to sleep.

'what did I do to deserve this?' she thought to herself before curling into a ball

Ruby: "Please, someone help me."

(Meanwhile millions of light-years away)

(He says remnant instead of earth)

After jumping onto the seeker, Optimus forced him to fly into a spire before jumping off (before the collision killed the seeker) and safely landing on the ground and transforming into his alt mode.

After jumping onto the seeker, Optimus forced him to fly into a spire before jumping off (before the collision killed the seeker) and safely landing on the ground and transforming into his alt mode

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But before he started he felt to small things land on him and saw that it was two of his minicon partners Hi-Test and Windstrike.

But before he started he felt to small things land on him and saw that it was two of his minicon partners Hi-Test and Windstrike

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Optimus: "I thought I told you to leave with the others."

"With all do respect prime, one of the most important Autobot rules is that no-one gets left behind or forgotten." Windstrike stated before high test nodded.

Optimus: "I presume Aerobolt stayed behind as well."

Windstrike: "He's said he found something that could get us off world."

A soon as he said that Optimus started to drive towards Aerobolt's position.

(Back to Remnant/Location: Patch, Time: 12:00)

Back at the Rose/Xiao Long House everyone was asleep, well everyone except Ruby. She was packing her thing into a backpack, she new that no-one was coming to help her so she decided to do the next best thing, runaway form home. she didn't leave a note, she thought it would be a waste of time

Once she opened the front door she heard a whine behind her, she turned to see Zwei with a sad look on his face. She smile.

"Do you wanna come?" she asked and as soon as she said that he walked over to her.

After silently closing the door behind he, Ruby and Zwei wandered into the woods never knowing that she would never return to that house ever again or that she would find a new family.

(Back to Cybertron)

After 5 hours of searching Optimus and his minicons eventually found Aerobolt, you as currently perched on a rock.


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Aerobolt: "I see you found me after a while of driving"

Optimus: "Windstrike said you found something that can get us off world."

Aerobolt: "Yes follow me."

after following Aerobolt for 5 minute he eventually led them to a large Autobot shuttle.

after following Aerobolt for 5 minute he eventually led them to a large Autobot shuttle

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Windstrike: "How operational is it?"

Aerobolt: "Fully operational."

Optimus was about to say something but was interrupted by a howl Catching the 4 Autobots attention.

Windstrike: "What was that?"

Aerobolt: "Ravage, you were followed."

Optimus: "Board the shuttle now."

after that was said the four ran onboard and closed the hatch behind them. once they were in the cockpit they started up the engines and took off, but just as they reached Cybertron's outer atmosphere the shuttle was hit by a missile.

Windstrike: "Slag that hit the engines."

Optimus: "How bad is the damage?"

Windstrike: ".....OH scrap, EVERYONE HOLD ON!!!!"

Before anyone could ask the ship was surrounded by a blinding light before everything went black.

Prologue Part 2 next. this is prime987 signing off.

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