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Kentrell DeSean Gaulden|32|

I looked around my California king size bed to see all my kids spread out. At the foot of the bed was; Kayden and Taylin, on the left side was; Kacey,Kamron,and Kamiri, under me was; Yoni,Solai,and Kylie. The results for Solai and Yoni came in and they are mine so we been spending hell of time together.

"Stop movin'." Yoni crybaby ass whined. Yoni was my favorite child out of all eight of my kids.

"Shut up." Kayden spoke turning over to be face to face with my foot before he jumped up. "Mannnnn."

Solai hissed as she turn on her wrist. Solai was in the dog house because she got a fucking tattoo without my permission. The tattoo said "Hussle and Motivate TMC🏁" 

"Mwoveeee daddy." Kylie spoke. She was my two year old that was conceived at a strip club.

"Everybody shut up." Taylin introverted ass spoke up as he sat up. Kamiri sat up and mugged Taylin.

"Shut yo' lab ass up." Kamiri spoke making me kick him in the head for cursing. "Fuck you kick me fa'?"

"You cursin' stupid." Kacey spoke making Kamiri scrunch his face up.

"Shut the fuck up Kace fa' I hurt cho' feelin's." Kamiri said. "Bitch I'm 4kTrey ain't nobody safe,who gone die ta'day?"

"Boy,boy shut uppppp." Yoni laughed as she laid under me typing on her from. I looked down to see she was texting 'Kingston😕'

"Gimme da' fucking phone Yoni." I spoke before snatching it.

"If you was goin' to snatch it anyway why ask?" She laughed. I just mugged her skinny ass.

"Why you textin' Kingston?" I asked ever so calmly.

"He asked me did I do the science homework." She spoke sitting up. She touched Solai's swollen wrist making Solai punch her in the chest. "Lai what the fuck!"

"Bitch why would you do that?!" Solai yelled before Yoni tackled her. The started fighting like niggas on the street. Solai was deadass trying to kill Yoni.

"SoSo chill out." Kayden spoke as he pulled her off of a bleeding Yoni.

"Get the fuck off of me!" She yelled before running out of my room. Moments later I heard the door slam. I got off the bed going towards her room. I opened the door to see her popping pills back while holding her head.

"Daddy it hurts." She cried holding her head. I as I found out more and more things about Solai and Yoni the more I wanted to kill Kyloni. Solai had a brain tumor and this rare ass skin condition. There were days when Solai would have one of her episodes and this was one.

"Lai chill." I spoke dragging the L. "Breathe in and out mama."

She followed my instructions while clutching her head harder.

"Daddy it's not working." She cried. I looked on her dresser looking for her pills. I found them and have her two.

"Take these mama." I spoke handing them to her. She took the pills and threw the little sip of water back along with the pills. Two minutes later she calmed down. "You alright mama?"

"Yes. Daddy I didn't mean to hurt her." She cried laying on my shoulder.

"It's alright mama. Go tell her you sorry." I spoke grabbing her hand walking back to my room.

"Yoni I'm so-" Solai tried to speak before Yoni cut her off.

"Your always fucking sorry. You hurt me more than Scottie and Genvease. Just leave me the fuck alone." She cried and hissed as tears fell into the big ass gash under her eye. "and  Kentrell I'm leaving. You went to check on her first like you always fucking do. I'm the one that's hurt. I have a big ass gash under my eye,a busted lip,swollen nose,and choke marks on my neck. She don't have shit but a scratch. I'm calling Liz."

To hear her call me Kentrell that shit hurt. She stopped calling me that after the hospital thing. "Yoni you not going no where."

"Yes, Yes I am. I'm leaving like Kyloni did. Don't worry about me." She spoke harshly snatching out of my grip.

Fuck Man

😩💔Just a lil sumsum

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