Chapter 20- The Taken.

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Chapter 20- The Taken.

Equius's POV


I heard a scream from down the hallway, towards the way Nepeta should be taking her post with Sollux at. I don't think Sollux would be capable of setting his voice to that high of a decibel, so that could only mean one very obvious thing. Nepeta was in trouble. And it's my job to save her.

I make a mad dash around the corner to see Sollux crying and Nepeta lying on the ground. "Come on Nepeta, you can't leave us!" Sollux sobs.

"Move over Sollux." Aradia says. He turns to look at us then slowly moves away from Nepeta. From there I can see her injuries are much worse then I expected. "I'm sorry Equius. I couldn't do anything." Sollux says in between sobs.

I brush him off and start inspecting Nepeta. She has a large hole going straight through her middle. I check to see if she's still alive. Nothing. I can't give up now.

"Sollux, how long ago did this happen?" I quickly say.

"It's been about 5 minutes now."

Okay there's still time. We need medical help. But if we call someone, we can't do it here. The mission will be compromised. "Sollux, you're going to have to help me carry her outside." I said. He looked purely horrified before stepping over to her in tears.

"What do I have to do?" He asked.

"Just help me see to an exit. I can carry her weight. Can I use any of your guys' clothes to stop more blood loss?" I say as I take off my tanktop and try to suffice what I can. Sollux takes off his shirt and strangely so does Aradia. She has another shirt on underneath it weirdly enough. We can't waste time any longer.

"Aradia, go to the front of the school with Sollux and help me find the exit. If there's a phone in the office use it to call for help." I say and pick up Nepeta. She nods and we all sprint for the door.

Sollux is talking me through where Aradia is going, but I can see more then I expected. I let him anyways so he feels like he helped. And how could he just let this happen to her? He isn't even scratched! I look down to examine him to make sure I'm correct when I notice a little stain on his right leg coming to the surface. He must've tried to stop whatever was coming. He has a variety of cuts and bruises along his arms and chest as well. He fought. I should've given him more credit. He tried, after all.

When we got to the exit I kept running to the cold sidewalk out front. I set her down gently and waited for them to come outside.

When they got here and sat down, I started questioning Sollux.

"What happened back there anyways?"

"Well I think I should start from the beginning. Nepeta and I were just sitting there waiting for something to happen in the mission when we heard this clang around the corner. I put my arm out in front of her and slowly pushed her back hoping she would go into the corner of the classroom block. But she didn't. She stayed right behind me and I thought that would be enough. Then Gamzee came around the corner. I tried to use my powers but he was in a godlike form and I was rendered helpless. Then everything faded to black and all I heard was screaming. When I woke up, she was lying there. She was still breathing somehow and that's when you showed up."

I suddenly felt a mixture of sorrow and anger rush through me. I felt bad for Sollux. He must've been scared that nobody would've came until the mission was over. We did all this because of him and now Nepeta got hurt.

What I did next surprised even myself. I hugged him. I hugged him and said "I'm sorry." I don't do that to anyone but Nepeta. But this had a relevance to her and I felt bad for her Matesprit. The next thing I knew, a truck was here with flashing lights and they came and picked up Nepeta. I immediately jumped into the truck with them because I don't know who they are. Aradia sat beside me and Sollux sat next to a 'paramedic' named Karkat. Karkat?

"HI FUCKASSES." He said with a smirk.


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