The moment when magic began

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— "Come on, Lis! If you don't get your ass over here we will be late!"

Well, sh*t

Why isn't he answering my calls? I swear, when he'll pick up I am going to beat his ass.

— "Coming!"

I try to call him one more time. I don't have time to this right now. "Ugh, just pick the phone up".

— "Sorry, the number you have called is not available. Leave the mess-"
— "Oh, screw you!"

I need to go to school now. I can't call him without end. I just hope he is okey.
Maybe when he turn on the phone, he will die under a bunch of messages and notifications. "How is it even possible? He is 21 but act like 5".

I took my bag, grabbed my keys and phone and run downstairs. My unnies were there, waiting for me to come.

—"Wow, Lis. Thanks for coming, really" . I smiled.

—"No problem Jisoo unnie. I planned to wait a little more but I changed my mind". I shruggled my shoulders.

—"Okey girls, let's go. I don't wanna get detention."

And with that, Jennie unnie pushed us info the car and sat down to drive.

In next 15 minutes we arrived at our campus. SRD Academy is well-know high school, where all famous artists and singers were studying. When you end school, board decide if you will be at "special program". It's like university. If you aren't lucky and "enough talented" your career with SRD is over. Jennie and Jisoo unnie made it. For me and Rosé, it's our last year here. Maybe we won't tell it, but we are pretty nervous about our future. In fact, you can never be sure they will qualify you for the program.

When me and Rosé said goodbye to girls we went to out lockers. It's Wednesday, which means we start with singing lessons. 2,5 hours with Ms. Lee would be wonderful if I didn't care about my brother. Damn, he stepped on my nerve. Focus Lisa, he is fine. People like him always fall on four paws.

—„ ... and with that she almost threw her lunch on me. I mean, I really didn't wanna tell her that but— Lisa? Are you listening to me?"

—„Huh? Oh, yea, I think as you".

—„You what? I wasn't waiting for your opinion, Lis. What's wrong with you girl?"

—"I am feeling fine. It's just... ugh I couldn't call my brother. I didn't speak with him for a while and I am just nervous. Nevermind. So, about your story..."

When Rose was finishing her story we reached the classroom. People were talking and laughing, but when we went to take our seats some whistles and comments could be heard. We didn't pay attention to it, as normal routine. Before we sat Ms. Lee entered the class. Everyone likes her because she was nice and young and so in a second it was quiet.

—"Alright. So today we have some new students. Can you introduce yourself?"

When three boys came in whispers were everywhere. I could see some of girls started to drool. I really tried not to roll my eyes. I turned my gaze to the boys. They were for sure handsome but the cold was beating from them. They were looking around the class with a reserve while reacting to the girls who wanted to throw themselves at them.

—" My name is Park Jimin". Whispers were louder. Well, I can understand it, he looked actually the most kindest.

—"I am Kim Taehyung". Taehyung. Cute guy to be honest.

—"Jeon Jungkook". Ding dong! We have a winner. This guy received more sighs and whispers than his friends. He also seemed the most arrogant and cold. But when he locked his eyes with mine I couldn't take them from him. It's something in the way he is looking at me. I turned my head when I realised what I thought. Pabo, stop before you even start. He isn't your type. You and him, both of us know that he can have ALL girls from this school. And he will have, I guess.
Rosé brought me back to reality.

—"Why is he looking at you, Lis? Do you know him?". But before I answered her I looked at him one more time.

—"No. I don't know him."

—"Okey, boys, take your seats and we will start our lesson".

I don't know where they sat, I don't care actually. In my thoughts was only my brother. I took of my phone to check if he didn't texted or called me. But there were nothing. I sighed quietly. God, he will be dead if I talk to him.

—"It's Wednesday, all of you know what does that mean. Who wanna be first?"

When no one answered her question she smiled gently.

—"Maybe you, Rosé?"

I looked at her. She wasn't nervous. She knew she has a good voice. Well, whole school know.
When she took a place at the middle she turn on the music from her phone and started singing. I didn't know this song, so I remebered that I have to ask about it later. She finished her song and Ms. Lee praised her. Rosé looked at me so I gestured her thumb up. Teacher smiled when our eyes met and I knew already what is she going to say next.

—"Lisa, maybe you will be next? We couldn't hear you last week so I really miss your voice. Did you prepared something?" I just nodded my head.

I took my phone and went where Rosé was standing. I looked at her. Not she had my attention, but the boys, they were sitting perfectly behind us. Great. It's all I wanted.
I played the music.

(Okey, I know that Lisa in real can't sing like that, but in this story she is as good as Rosé, maybe in some ways even better)

I ended and with phone in my hand I came back to my seat. In class was dead silent and everyone stared at me. I gave them what's-wrong look, but Ms. Lee told me some good words. I smiled at her and when she asked another person I started quiet conversation with Rosé. I felt bad, before I wasn't focused on what she was saying because I couldn't stop thinking about my stupid brother, so I need to back to reality and spend some time with her.

When singing class was over we headed to our lockers. We didn't have time, dance section is going to start in 10 minutes, but we didn't even have clothes for change. She was talking to me and I didn't actually paid attention at anything else. It wasn't a surprise when I bumped into someone. I fell on my butt. I took a glance and Jungkook just smirked at me. I don't know why I even though about him helped me. So when he pulled out his hand to me, and when I was about to grasp it and pull myself up, he took it back. He laughted at me and i rolled my eyes at him. I next seconds some boys run to me and wanted to help me, I kindly thank them and stood up by myself. I threw a dead glare at Jerkook and I went to Rosé. She was blushing and I was wonder why. But when I followed her gaze I knew already.

—"You don't wanna have nothing in common with this guy. What was his name? Ji— , Jim—"


And when she said that with I-am-deeply-already voice I knew we have a big problem.

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