Chapter 18

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The following day, Helian Qing took Han Yang to the Traditional Chinese Medical Clinic for his appointment.

During the car ride, Han Yang could not help himself from asking, "Helian Qing, why are you so good to me?"

"Because I'm a good man." Helian Qing stated in all seriousness.

"Seriously." Han Yang was speechless.

"It's because you're irritating." Helian Qing shot him a cold glance, "Your pain-filled groans are so noisy."

"I don't groan, alright." Han Yang retorted. It was still not the coldest time as yet, and his legs did not have much of an aching feeling. Furthermore, even if it was that time, he could still endure it.

He certainly did not believe Helian Qing did so for those reasons, but regardless of what they really were, it was all okay, but he would just keep that to himself.

Having arrived at the Traditional Chinese Medicinal Clinic, Helian Qing stopped the car, and he went in with Han Yang.

Since they had made an appointment with Chen Qingqing, the two followed the nurse to her office.

In her office, Chen Qingqing was currently writing something down. Upon seeing the two enter, she put away her pen, stood up, then smiled, "You can both come in."

She was roughly between thirty to forty years of age, had cropped hair, wore rimless glasses, and appeared very friendly.

"Doctor Chen." Helian Qing nodded to her in greeting, with Han Yang also following suit to say hello.

"Hello you two, please have a seat." Chen Qingqing directed them to their seats with a wave of her hand

Helian Qing patted Han Yang, sitting together with him.

"Please, explain the situation to me." Chen Qingqing asked.

Han Yang explained the matter himself, with Chen Qingqing taking notes as she listened across from them, asking a few key questions in between. After she was done with her notes, she put away her book, got up, then said, "I'll take a look at you in the physiotherapy room right next door."

Han Yang not knowing how critical his condition was, followed her to the physiotherapy room, with Helian Qing.

Because he was to receive acupuncture, the pants he had worn were too thick, and as a result inconvenient, so Han Yang changed into a pair of shorts he had prepared beforehand. Following this, Chen Qingqing asked him to lay down on the bed.

She came then came closer to Han Yang, squeezed his knee, asking, "Compared to normal, where does it hurt?"

Han Yang sat up, pointing to a few places for her to see. Nodding, Chen Qingqing proceeded to press a few acupuncture points on his leg, asking whether or not he felt anything with each one she pressed. When she pressed a certain acupoint, Han Yang's brows wrinkled slightly, and Helian Qing rubbed the back of his hands to comfort him.

"It shakes, and feels like I'm being stabbed by nails." Han Yang described, "When it's serious, I can't move my legs that much."

"What measures did you take when it got to that stage?" Chen Qingqing inquired.

"Medicated plasters (pain relief patches), or medicinal liquor rubs." Han Yang explained. This was due to those methods being the simplest and cheapest ones to deal with it.

Chen Qingqing jotted down Han Yang's condition, saying, "Ointments like those can only relieve symptoms, and they won't address the root cause. In addition, a condition such as yours became this severe due to it being delayed treatment for so long."

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