Fallout Teensville Episode One: The War and The Beginning

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(Soft music) Soft Singing Male Voice: (soft music) Hey there Mrs. JayFree. How's it going down in the city of Teensville dear? The furries say you look so purrfect, yes you do. Cheer Bear ain't got no prettier, than you, and I say that you look that way too. (soft music) Hey there Mrs. JayFree. Don't you worry, don't you fret, I'll be there for you when your lonely, and even though we've never met, or we just haven't met each other yet, and just take my paw and we will ffflllyyy! Audio Recording One, Cat Girl Recording One: hi! It's me again, and I'm okay, thanks for asking. But I'm also super excited about going to Cat Camp this summer! I can't wait, it'll be lots of fun! There'll be so many new furries to meet and become friends with! I'll make sure to write to you all about it! Well, gotta go get ready, bye! Beep Cat Girl Recording Two: Buzz! Please... Buzz! Anyfurry!... Buzz! Somefurry... Help us!... One of the kits is badly hurt! And the humans put a big dome over the camp, so no furry can get in!.. Or out!... Buzz! Please... Buzz! Help u!... Buzz! Buzz! Static! Beep Furry Cadet: Captain? Captain?! Captain! Furry Captain: grragh! What is it now Cadet?! Furry Cadet: the humans are attacking the entire furry and animal race Sir! They've bombed two separate camps! One for cats, and one for dogs! One of them even has a big dome over it, and none of the furries can get out! And nofurry can get in to get them out! And now they're bombing the furry valleys, villages, towns, and even cites! And even alternate furry dimensions! They even attacked a dimension, which had to with ponies being transformed into humans too Sir! Things are getting worse by the minute! Furry Captain: WHAT?! Ugh! Damn it! (bangs his hand on the table) Damn it! Then we attack them head on! At all costs, and with everything we've still got! Understand?! Furry Cadet: but-but sir we!.. Furry Captain: (yells out, mad) JUST DO IT! Furry Cadet: (salutes) yes-yes Sir! Understood Sir! Furry Captain: (sighs) Heaven help us. Beep Furry News Reporter: this just in, breaking news. More reports are coming in about the huge, brutal, and on-going war between the humans and furries. And in other news, a few minutes ago, two separate camps were bombmed, and later domed, many of the cats and dogs didn't survive the attack. Our thoughts.. And prayers go out to those furries, who died innocently in this very.. Tragic accident. Our hopes, go out to the furries that.. I had hoped.. Made it out of there alive. Rest in peace tonight young furry ones. Also, there has been sightings, of a big cloud of black and dark purple smoke, spreading throughout many cites and towns. Killing everyone, and anyone who breathes it in, Pokemon, cats, hedgehogs, ponies, and even humans alike. I suggest that you all get out now, and get as far away from where you are as fast as you can! And... (sighs) May the great Gods and Goddesses... Have mercy upon on us all... Beep Furry Woman: (running) sis, just hang in there, I'm almost there. (looks to the right) I don't know what's going on here, but I don't like it at all. There's a big huge cloud of black and dark purple smoke going through FuraMore right now. Those damned humans will have to kill me three times before I let them get to you! I love you so much little sis... Flutter Fly... Just hold on... I'm coming for you. Beep Good Human Teen Boy: oh hey bro. I'm not sure if you've heard this already but.... The FPD and the HPD are working together on an important case about the.... The.... (starts to cry a little bit) The two furry camps being bombed and later domed by the bad humans... One of my best friends went to the cat camp... (sniffs again) And now... They're all dead... (sniffs, wipes a tear from his eye) And I saw on the news today that... That they even did a mass shooting at a furry school just now... All those furries!.... (sniffs again) Anyways, you've been working on this case since, I can't even remember when, but... When you found out what's going on here, please call me and tell me everything. (mad look, makes a fist) I swear, those bad bastard humans will pay for what they've done! Hope we send them straight to hell! I love ya big bro, and tell Johnston... (sighs, looks back up) Tell him I said hey. Beep British Furry Girl One: hello? Hello? Hello! DJ Furry Girl Two: (goes over to her computer) ugh! What?! Oh! (smiles, puts her glasses) Hey, sorry about that. (rubs the back of her neck) Heh heh, what's up? British Furry Girl One: (chuckles) it's okay. (whispers a bit) Listen. Have you heard the news reports lately? (looks away, worried look) They say that it's getting colder out there, and I'm getting a bit worried that the war between the furries and humans, will never stop. (touches her head) And about the kits and pups at the camps and schools, I just... DJ Furry Girl Two: (smiles, cool look) Nah. Your worrying too much about this, this'll all blow over soon enough and everything will be back to normal soon in no time, no worries, you'll see. British Furry Girl One: (concerned) mm, I'm not so sure about that. DJ Furry Girl Two: (winks) trust me girlfriend, it'll pass, it will pass. British Furry Girl One: (sighs and touches her head again) but what if?!.. What if it doesn't?! What if it just gets worse?! What if we all die?! They've said that the black and dark purple smoke is kill!... DJ Furry Girl Two: (holds her pony ears) ugh! Your thinking about all of this way too much girl! Look, time will go by like it never happened at all, and everyone will shaking their tails and paws, and feeling good and alright. British Furry Girl One: (chuckles) sometimes I admire your positivity on all this. DJ Furry Girl One: wellp, that's me for ya. Now, I have to go to a party and I'll talk to you later, see ya soon. And please, try not to worry too much. M'Ka ka? Later! (logs off) British Furry Girl One: (smiles) alright I will, have fun. Bye! (logs off too) Beep Human Daughter: (coughs a few times) Mom-mommy?... I'm scared... (coughs again) Mother: (rubs her head gently) shh, it's okay baby... It's okay... (looks down at her, soft smile) It's gonna be alright dear... (coughs too) Human Daughter: (looks up at her, coughs again) what'll we do now Mommy? (coughs again) we need to escape from here... Human Mother: we just wait it out.. Like we always do... Human Daughter: (coughs) and we sing? Human Mother: yes... (looks back up, tired look) Can you?.. Sing?... Our favorite song?.. For me?.. Human Daughter: but Mom... I don't think that singing is gonna help... Human Mother: (coughs again, sigh look) please?... Human Daughter: (coughs and sighs) okay Mommy... (coughs again but starts singing Set It All Free by Ash from Sing) I followed my heart... Into the fire... I got burned I got... (coughs again) This is my big hello... (coughs again) Cause I'm here and never letting go... I can finally see.. It's not just a dream... When you Set It All Free... All Free... (coughs) M-mom? Mom! Mom... (Human Mother falls on her which makes her fall onto the ground, coughs and keeps coughing and inhales the black and dark purple smoke and slowly dies) Beep Male Narrator: War... War never changes... But furries do... ... The whole entire world and Earth was once a beautiful, awesome, and amazing place to live on. It was just so full of love, powers, music, and not the least of that friendship, and everyone was happy and healthy, especially in a city called Teensville. There, they all lived together in peace, fun, and most importantly, they lived together in harmony and friendship. That is, until the humans had went to war with the furries, it involved every species that it possibly could, such as Pokemon, hedgehogs, cats, dogs, and even other creatures from other worlds, such as ponies. They all had fought the great fight. Even the ponies of Equestria came to help them out too. Well, they would have if not busy with their own war between the zebras, and lost. But with all of them coming together, and fighting in this great big battle of war with the humans. They thought with that amount of power, that it would finally be end of it, and they thought they would win. But unfortunately, that's not what happened at all. Eventually the war ended, but it left the whole world, and including the once great city of Teensville, in a horrible post-apocalyptic state, leaving nothing left but radiation, dead furry and human bodies and skulls that became a part of the wastelands and radiation, and the continuous on-going cloud of black and dark purple smoke. To escape the now know and dangerous Teensville Wastelands. The many surviving furries and humans had to take place in underground shelters called Houses. Most of the survivors living down there had to deal with the terrors and depths of hell that was waiting for them down there, none of them survived. Except for the furries living down in House One. The furries down there are still alive today, and living life, and the House One cell door was shut closed, and it was never reopened ever again... Until now... And that's, where our story, begins. View of the air vents Spotters: (singing) you love me and I love you, and our love is absolutely beautiful, wonderful, and true! You want a piece of cake? I'll give it to you, just trust me baby. I promise to make your dreams come true, and one day, we'll settle down and start a family, just you and I. Cause your beautiful smile makes me happy, and I feel good, I feel good girl, you make me happy, fill me up with glee, and tough time files, I'll be here for you, and your memories will stay with me, cause you know, that I'm the only one for you girl... I will always, truly, love yyyyyooooouuuuu! (he bows while furries clap and cheer for him) Furry Radio Announcer: And that was our very own Spotters Jolt Crontails, with his song "I'll Always Be True To You". And it is just another great day in House One today, is it not? Radtion status: zero like always. And just a little reminder that your CatTracker, is not a toy under any circumstances, so please keep cleaning it, so that it'll keep working for many furry generations to come, and if you have any problems with it, or if it needs fixing, just talk to the OverCat, or to our wonderful furry technicians, down in the tech room. And have a great Friday day everyfurry. (a button gets pushed) Male Narrator: After the song is over, and the announcements are radioed to everyfurry on their CatTracks. Our now story begins, with the workings of House One, where very own cat technician cat girl, named Kitts Tracker Cattails, where she resides, and is now looking at the wall, and saying what she thinks about it. Kitts: (sighs) grey, it's just so much grey. It's grey here, and it's grey there, and it's grey well... EVERYWHERE! (looks up, hopeless) these walls need some pictures of... Something! Ugh! (bangs her down on her work bench) Male Narrator: As she slams her head onto her work bench, the male, orange, singing sensation, cat boy, Spotters Jolt Crontails, is walking towards the tech room, unbeknownst to Kitts Tracker Cattails. Spotters: (looks in the room, concerned look) oh my, it's really that bad? Kitts: (sleepy sound) what? (lifts up her head, turns and sees him standing there) ah! Spotters! Male Narrator: Spotters Jolt Crontails. His amazing, memorable and wonderful singing has been loved by many of the furry residents, and it also gained him many fans throughout House One. But not the least of them is Kitts, and also in the truth, she has been crushing on Spotters for a while now. Kitts: (thinks and talks to herself) no! No! No! Ugh! ... Just pull yourself together girl! ... What was that that Dad would always say? "Kitts dear, Spotters yarn ball doesn't roll that way and your still too young!" (ears flop, sad) ugh, I wish he didn't tell that, and that took me a few years and weeks to figure that one out. But oh Gods! Spotters! Standing right here in my tech room! I have all his songs downloaded onto my CatTrack! But the real thing is right here and!... Spotters: uhm... (looks at her confused) Kitts? Are you okay? Kitts: (still dazed) ... Uhh? Wha-what? (smug look, thinks to herself again) oh. Awesome response Kitts, so elegant. Ah! Yes! S-sorry, I spaced out for a second, ca-can you repeat that? (smiles innocently) Spotters: (chuckles) oh Kitts. Kitts: (thinks to herself again) he's smiling! Oh this has gotta be good! Spotters: (worried look) you looked so upset when I came in, (smiles) is something I can do to help you? Kitts: (thinks to herself again, smiles, overjoyed) Spotters Jolt Crontails?... Offered to help me?... YES! (shakes her head) Dah, no no, no, wait... He's gotta be down here for some reason. Some CatTrack reason, besides, it's like not he'd go wondering around tech station after all. Especially when my boss is sleep on the job, (smug look, rolls her eyes) again, heh. Uhm no! I just Uhh... Ahem. Can I help you with something? Spotters: well... You see.... (lifts up his left arm to show her his CatTrack) It's my CatTrack. Male Narrator: Before we move on with the story. You all should learn more about these CatTracks. What exactly is a CatTrack? A CatTrack is a device, worn on the left arm, just above the wrist. Mixed with furry science, powers and a little bit of pony magic. And you receive it when you are old enough to start working in your own House. It's used for listening to music, radio announcements, and keeping track of your belongings in your backpacks, and also keeps track of your health and safety status, and it also tells you if your near radiation, or have it in your body. And it let's you download songs, keeping track of your heartbeat, breathing, and sweating at all times. It also identifies other furries and even humans, unknown or not, it also works as a flashlight, has a camera for taking pictures, saves the photos you take, a gidger count, and a handy map function, with everything at just a paw tap. Yet another great piece of machinery, at it's very finest, and very best. Spotters: it's acting up a bit. Could you fix it for me? (takes it off and gives it to her) Kitts: (smiles, takes it from him and puts it on her work desk) oh, no problem! I'll have it all fixed up by tomorrow morning! Spotters: (smiles) thanks Kitts. I really appreciate this. This really means a lot to me. Kitts: by the way. You sounded really great today on stage. I heard you on the radio just now. Spotters: oh! You mean you heard "I'll Always Be True To You?" I do love that song. It's one of my favorites. Kitts: I really like it too, you were awesome! Spotters: (smiles) thanks! Well, I have to go rest up this arm, and get ready for the afternoon and tomorrow. Kitts: oh yeah, your performance tomorrow night, right? Spotters: that's right! I'll come down and get my CatTrack back before I go on. Kitts: (smiles) Yup! It'll be ready by then, I promise! Spotters: okay. (walks over to the door and looks back at her) oh! And by the way, Kitts? Kitts: (looks at him) yes? Spotters: you've got a really cute blush, has anyfurry ever told you that? (winks) Kitts: (smiles and blushes slightly) wha... I.. Uhm.. Uh... Heh heh. Spotters: (walks out, smiling and chuckling) Kitts: (smiles, then facepalm) ugh, smooth tech girl, smooth. You've embarrassed yourself again. (sighs) Oh well. Better get back to work before the boss wakes up. (looks at Spotters CatTrack and starts working on it) Male Narrator: So Kitts goes to working on Spotters CatTrack have been more happier than she had been, before and after speaking to Spotters. Cue to the morning. Kitts is levitating Spotters CatTrack, while skipping down the hallway, heading to his room, to give it back to him, but when she gets there, she spots a big chaos crowd of furries standing in front of his door. Kitts: (skipping and humming one of his songs, then stops and sees the crowd, talks and thinks to herself again) ugh! Goddess damn paparazzi! How I am ever gonna get my way through this?! Hey! Everyfurry move out of the way! Ugh, what's going on?! Two Furry Cat Girls: (hugging each other and crying out dramatically) he's gone! He's gone! Waaaaah! Kitts: (confused) gone? Who's gone? Dog Furry Guy One: (turns his head back to look at her a bit) Spotters Jolt Crontails! He's left the House One! Kitts: what?! (thinks, ears flop down) oh Gods no! Mouse Guy One: (looking at the other Mouse) I didn't even know that the House One cell door could open up again! Kitts: (thinks to herself again) House One cell door?! Open?! (surprised look) he's gone outside?! OverCat: (in the center of the furry crowd) Everyfurry! Please, clam down! Male Narrator: The OverCat. The head controller and leader of House One. She's the one who makes sure everyfurry is here, doing their jobs, and that everything is in check, and also in order, and somewhere in the middle of the crowd. OverCat: Don't worry, everyfurry! I have the CatTrack tag of every single furry resident in House One! I will personally send out a rescue party! We will have our singing Spotters back, by the end of the day, so worry not! Kitts: (thinks to herself again) CatTrack tag?! (ears flop down) Oh kill me with the Goddesses front claws! Valley Sheep Furry Guy One: like OverCat dudette? Like, isn't that like, Spotters CatTrack in the tech girls levitating power paw right there? OverCat: (turns around and looks at Kitts with a mad look) KITTS! Crack and button sound Kitts: (surprised, shocked, eye twitches look, walks up-to the OverCat, ears flop down again, nervous) ye-yes? Over-OverCat? OverCat: (points to Spotters CatTrack, still mad) What. Is. This?! Kitts: (lowers her head and ears down) ... Little Furry Pony FanBoy One: (mad, in the back of the crowd, and jumps up) the tech girl! (jumps up again) She! (jumps up again) Let our Spotters! (jumps up for the last time) Get away! British Furry Guy One: how could you?! You horrid Monster! All Furries: (mumbling, yelling at her, getting really mad at her) OverCat: (looks back at them all, mad) QUIET! All Furries: (shocked looks) ..... OverCat: (looks back at Kitts with a suggestive look) Kitts, take it and head to your room, quickly. Kitts: (nods her head) Male Narrator: Without any hesitation. Kitts obeys the OverCat's orders. And she runs all the way back to her room, Spotters CatTrack is still floating beside her, still in toe. Screen Fades to black, then we view to Kitts, still running. Kitts: (runs past a light and into her room, the door automatically closes behind her, thinks to herself, ears flop down again, sad face) oooh! How could I let this happen?! All the furries are right hate me! I'm the one who let Spotters get away! (floats his CatTrack in front of her and presses a button on it) buzz then beep sound (ears flop down, sad face) Spotters? Why? Why did you leave? Where did you go? (presses another button) Male Narrator: Just then, over the radio, over the speakers, and on everyfurry's CatTracks, the OverCat's reassuring, and comforting voice, is heard. OverCat: (over the radio) I know that we are all feeling this loss. But I want to remind everyfurry, that Spotters Jolt Crontails chose, to do this. He chose to leave his home, he's betrayed us, his fans, his friends, his family, he's betrayed my trust, and he's betrayed yours. And let's not forget especially, that he had also betrayed the trust, of the cat girl that who he tricked, into removing his CatTrack. Insuring that we could not find him. I know that many of you, are angry, sad, upset, curious, or hurt. I encourage you all to direct those feelings to where they truly belong. Another beep sound Male Narrator: It is then, that a saved, incripted file on Spotters CatTrack catches Kitts's eye. Kitts: huh? What the? (thinks to herself) it's an audio recording. (touches paw to her chin) Maybe it's one of Spotters new songs? (presses a button on it again, then another one, and it beeps) Darkened Voice: the override code for opening the cell door to House One is, TTG81. Beep Kitts: (shocked, surprised look) the House One cell door override code?! Where-where did Spotters get this?! And-and why?! (grabs her backpack, and Spotters CatTrack in it) I'm not sure what's going on, or why Spotters. But I'm sure of what I'm going to do. Male Narrator: It was then decided for sure, there and now, to leave House One, and to go find Spotters. To the House One that nofurry had ever left before. Kitts: (looks both ways and runs out of her room) fades to black again Kitts: (looks at her CatTrack) okay. (says to herself again) final check. Cat Cookies, water, extra lock pickers, book of "Arcane Teensville Sciences and Powers." I'm all set, and ready to go. Male Narrator: The time has come, with her backpack packed, paws ready, her mind set, and a hopeful heart. Kitts walks up to the House One cell door control panels. But the only thing standing in her way of that, are two Cat Men guards. Kitts: (thinks) here goes. Ahem, uhm, excuse me sirs, if-if you two could let me pass by. Cat Man Guard One: this port is off limits. Kitts: (cute pleasing smile) Cat Man Guard One: absolutely no exceptions. Kitts: (thinks) here's hope that my little speech is enough to get me trough. I'm a certified House One Tech technician. The OverCat has specifically requested that I make sure that the House One cell door is in great working condition. Cat Man Guard One: (looks at her, eyebrow raised) can you prove it? Kitts: (nervous look) well.. Uhm.. Cat Man Guard Two: we didn't think so, now beat it kitty cat. Kitts: (smug look) apparently not, that didn't work, time for plan B. (starts levitating the box behind them, and above their heads) Cat Man Guard Two: (looks at her closely) hey? Aren't you the kit who let our Spotters get lost outside anyway? Kitts: (brave look, stomps her foot down) why yes, yes I am. (bangs/drops the box on their heads) Cat Men Guards: (fall down to the ground) ugh! Thud! Kitts: (flinches then serious look) and I'm also the one who's gonna bring him back. (walks past them over to the computer, thinks) oh Cat Men, they never see that " hey there's something levitating up behind you" trick coming. Okay, now, let's do it to it. (types in the House One override code) TTG81. (preys that it works) please work! Please work! Please work! Please work! OverCat: (over the radio again) STOP! I order you to stop right now! Guards! I want every Cat Man Guard at House One cell door now! Stop that Kitty! Kitts: (worried look) oh crap! Well here goes nothing! (uses her levitating powers to pull down the lever, looks at the door) the door opening sounds Kitts: (looks at the House One cell door opening) it's time. (starts walking down the stairs) OverCat: (over the radio again) you don't have to do this! Kitts? Isn't it? Kitts: OverCat? (looks back) I'll him back, I promise. (looks to the cell door again) OverCat: (over the radio) no you won't! Kitts: (shakes her head) OverCat: (over the radio) if you leave here! You'll NEVER be let back in! Kitts: (has a bit of sad face) Cat Man Guard Three: (off view) there is! Kitts: (gasping, surprised look) Cat Men Guards: (running down the hall) Kitts: (looks down) it's now or never. (runs in the cell door) Cat Guard Four: I'm not going out there! Hurry! Seal the door! Cat Man Guard Five: (pushes the lever up) Male Narrator: With a hiss and a bang, House One's cell door closes irrevocably behind Kitts. Kitts: ugh, I can't see a damn thing. (turns on her CatTrack flashlight, then gasps at the site) Male Narrator: The CatTrack flashlight shines, and reavels the hallway full of dead, skeleton furries who had died desperately trying to into House One, as the land of Teensville was burned alive. Kitts: (looking around and walking) great Goddesses mercy. Male Narrator: As the CatTrack flashlight shines, it shows some stairs and a cellar door that leads to the outside world. Kitts: (thinks while walking up the stairs) so the entrance to the outside world is cleverly disguised as the door to a humble gun cellar, because the furry who had built it, had been building a gun cellar. (lifts the door up with her levitating powers) sounds legit. Male Narrator: And with that, Kitts opened the gun cellar door, and took her first steps into the outside world. Kitts: (covers her face from the wind, then starts freaking out) it's scary! It's dark! It's dark! Ooh, it's soo dark! I should've thought this through much better! Somefurry help me! (bangs her head down on the gun cellar door) okay, okay, (lifts her head up) ge-get a hold of yourself Kitts. (stands up) You can do this. (ears flop down, and rubs her right arm) but.. Why do I have to be alone? (looks down) I hate being all alone. (sighs and looks on forward) well... It's me from here on out. (starts walking, and looking around) wind blowing sound

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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Fallout Teensville Episode One Where stories live. Discover now