Drive-in theater (J.M.)

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"You got all your stuff?" It was 9:30 pm and Joe was gonna pick you up with his Jeep to take you out on a date but you didn't yet know where. This is what you loved about him; you had been dating for over a year now but he'd still regularly take you on the cutest dates.
"Come on! We're going to be late!" "If you just tell me what we're gonna do, I'm coming!" You joked, you didn't like surprises and Joe knew that. You grabbed your handbag, went outside and gave Joe a kiss before getting in the car. "Hey honey, I missed you" Joe said to you with a sweet smile. "I missed you too" "so will you now tell me where we're going?" Joe shook his head with a petty face as you connected the aux cable to your phone to play your "favorite Queen songs" playlist.

It was 10:00 pm. You guys had the best time singing along to many Queen songs but now you finally arrived at the drive-in.

"A drive-in, oh my god Joe, I've always wanted to go to one!" You were so exited, he knew you so well.

"I know you love older movies so I think you'll be exited to hear which movie is playing" he said to you with a smile. "The breakfast club!" "That's amazing joe, I love that movie so much!"

You snuggled up under a blanket and watched the movie together. When the movie finished you fell asleep underneath the stars. It was a night to remember.

Okay so I know I haven't written any story's in hot second, so sorry for that. I started this draft a pretty long time ago and I kinda regret not finishing it back then because I don't really feel the story that much anymore so the ending is kinda bungled.
I hope you understand! X

Btw, I'm writing a new story "a buzzfeed series" :) I haven't published anything yet but when I do, I'd appreciate it if you'd check them out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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