Making it up and getting smaked

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Draco POV

After the sorting the feast came up. I was petrified to be in Gryffindor and I guarantee my father will here about this. Harry walked up and sat beside me and as I thought he was going to apologize. I thought wrong, he laid his head in my lap and stared up at me. I felt the heat rising in my face and whisper shouted at Harry.

"What are you doing?!? We are in front of everyone!! You can-"  I got cut off by him putting a finger to my lips and shushed me.

"Shhhh dray... I just want to say I'm so sorry I just was trying to get you off the boat." She said pouting.

I sighed and just giggled at him.

"It's okie just don't do it again got it?" I said

"Yes sir!" He laughed saluting.

He then got out of my lap and we started eating. I picked my fork up and immediately had to drop it. I yelped and fell back.

'It burned me!' I thought.

The hall was laughing at me and I noticed I had tears running down my face. I then looked down at my hand and saw a big burn. Harry has to pick me up to escort me out of the hall with Ron and Hermione behinds then. Harry set me down outside the door and started to inspect the burn.

"What happened dray? Hey dray can you hear me?" He said looking into my eyes.

I nodded at him and just started crying. The burn hurt and I just want to leave. Just then Remus and Sirius burst out and look for us.

"Moons there they are." Sirius said to him

"Oh hun Draco there there it okie!" Remus said going down to my level. I jumped onto him and started sobbing.

"I just hurt so much!" I said muffled.

"I know I do to it's because the full moon is so close and you just got burned by silver. You can't ever touch it. I'm supervised they still have it...we got rid of it years ago." He said hugging me.

"Maybe because you to hurt so much you can sleep in our room. I love you both equally and don't like seeing you hurt." Sirius said to us.

I finally got to look at Remus again and saw his tired face smiling at me. He look more pale and looked sickly. I then looked at Sirius and saw that he had a glow to his face.  I could see the sadness and joy in his face. I smiled and said

"I don't want to intrude I will be okie.. I just have to fix this." I motioned to my burn and Remus was already on it. He got out the cream and put it on my burn. I burned for a second but it went away quickly. He then got a wrap and put it around my burn.

"There all better... now I would suggest you get going and catch up to your prefect  for they have gone past." Remus said moth tipping towards the last of the Gryffindors going around the corner.

I giggled and hugged him. "Thank you Remus." I said and kissed his cheek.

He laughed and stood up. He kissed my head and walked the opposite direction with Sirius. They where hand in hand. I wish to find love like that one day.

I started to then run and leave the others behind w to catch up. When they noticed I ran then all laughed and ran after me.

When we finally got the the tower the prefect Percy Weasley announced the passcode and stepped inside. It was beautiful and so cozy. This is something I'm not used to at all and it sure was amazing.

Percy addresses the dormitory's we would be in and told us to go to bed for tomorrow we had classes. I walked to my room and found my belongings already there. In our dorm there was Harry Ron and a chubby little boy by the name of Neville Longbottem. The three of the other boy automatics became friends.  I on the other hand was reading in my bed.

I then felt weight on my bed and looked up to find Ron staring at me.

"Hey dray just wanted to see if you where okay! You looked a little pale and just not well. Just-just tell me if anything is wrong and I will fix it.. promise?" He rambled and then stuck his hand out.

I laughed at him and shook his hand lightly. He smiled and then ruffled my hair.

"Now come on we are eating some berties botts every favored beans. Come join us nerd." He said waggling his eyebrows.

"Oh why not but then we must go to bed because lessons start tomorrow!" I said to him

Harry laughed at me and said "oh come on wolfy don't be such a party pooper."

Ron and Harry laughed but Neville just stared blankly at them.

"Why did you call him wolfy?" Neville asked suspiciously.

"Well you see h-" SMACK. Ron has smacks Harry across the face. Ron was furious and red in the face. I stared at them wide eyes and teary  eyed. I ran to my bed and closed to curtains. Why would Harry do that! He could have exposed me and I could've been killed.

That night I head bickering between the two that night until I fell asleep.

This was the worst first day of Hogwarts ever.

We will get through it together...My sweet little omegaWhere stories live. Discover now