Part 4: Reunion Pt.2

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Sirius's POV

The door to the secret room opened, I looked at James' face and saw how nervous he was. I wanted to calm him down but I was just as nervous as he was. We heard footsteps approaching us and then a boy with platinum blond hair walked in, Malfoy. I saw the rage in James' eyes and I then knew I had to do something. James grabbed his wand and pointed it at Malfoy.

" Why are you here?" James said disgust in his voice.

Malfoy put his hands up and said, "Bloody hell, I was asked to be here by Hermione, I have a note." James looked at me confused and walked up to him and grabbed his wand before he could do anything. I nodded at Malfoy and he went into his pocket and grabbed a note, it said, 'Room of Requirement, in 5 minutes, you can trust the people in there' written on it.

"How did Hermione give this to you? We didn't even know where we were going until we were already here?" I asked suspiciously.

"Hermione is a clever girl, brightest of our class, as much as that pains me to say it." Malfoy said, " It was simple, really... I was walking in the court yard when I spotted Hermione and you guys walking down the opposite way so I saw an opportunity to keep Hermione up to date on what is going on with Voldemort and the Death Eaters, and to tell her that I had just talked to Harry. I whispered to her, 'Harry will fill you in on the meeting and where to meet us' she then threatened to kill me, to keep up appearances. I went to walk away when she grabbed me a pulled me close and me I was 'a coward and a rat' and whispered 'Pocket' then she pushed me in the chest. When I checked my pocket this note was in here and I came here."

"That actually makes some sort of twisted sense but that still doesn't explain why Hermione wanted you to be here." I said.

" I was asking myself the same question, also who are you?" Malfoy asked.

" I'm Sirius Black and this is James Potter, we are here from the past and to..."

"Meet Harry. Damn that Hermione." Malfoy said, "Well I'm Draco Malfoy, you probably know my father." Draco said and he put his hand out for me to shake it. I did and then he turned to James who looked at him and turned his head. 

"Dad?" the voice came from behind Draco.

We were so busy talking to Draco that we forgot about Harry. "Harry? Is that you?" James said crying. Harry ran over to James and gave him the biggest most loving hug I have ever seen. He then turned to me tears streaming down his face.

"Sirius? But...But your dead...Both of you are how..." Harry then noticed Draco leaning against the wall, " You...Please tell me that your not this stupid."

"I had nothing to do with this, Hermione just told me to come here." Draco said smiling and I think that I could see a tear run down his face, but I was not sure. 

"Then how are you here?" Harry asking me and James.

"Well...We started messing around with a time turner and we got here and now we can't get back." James said slightly ashamed.

"I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Draco said and I turned to James pleading that he wouldn't do something rash, but before I could do anything Harry smiled at Malfoy.

"Hey, I always figure out how to fix my messes." Harry said walking over to Draco slowly.

"Uh-uh, You mean that Hermione always figures out a way to fix your messes." Draco said with a mischievous smile lurking on his lips.

"Yeah I guess your right." Harry said.

"Aren't I always?" Malfoy said in a flirtatious tone.

"No...yeah" Harry said defeated. 

What was going no with these two they sound like me and Remus. Merlin's Beard! They are like me and Remus, I can recognize that look anywhere, the look of being so undeniably in love and not being able to show it. I really hope that James doesn't pick up on it because I am honestly afraid of what he would do to Malfoy. Malfoy looked away and saw the fuming James standing next to me and put some space between himself and Harry.

"I am going to let you to do some catching up with your family. Harry remember Astronomy Tower...ok" Draco said with a small smile.

"Yeah, bye, thanks for being here." Harry said to Draco.

"Always." Draco said before leaving.

"So Harry I want to here everything about you..." I said and Harry went on to tell me and James these insane stories about his last five years, but making sure to leave out anything about me and James.

James was very distant the whole conversation, he was interacting and talking, but he was not fully there. Harry seemed to notice to and you could tell that is was upsetting him. What is wrong with James and why is he being such a dick to his son. What was going on inside is head?

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