Fluff uwu

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They make cake and they fight but it cUte
There's some swearing but other than that it's family👏🏻friendly
Words: 691
After the movie finished, Jasmine jumped up from behind the chair, brandishing two matching aprons and hats.

"Really, Jasmine? Outfits?" Asked Anabelle.

"Yes," Jasmine laughed, "And you better wear them! I mean it."

"Geez your acting like your the older one."

"Ana, I am the olde-" Jasmine was cut short, as Anabelle had brought a hand to her mouth to shut her up. The older (which we can now infer as Jasmine) sighed against it. Rude, much? In return, Jasmine stuffed the hat on her girlfriend with a big smile. I guess it was cute.

Jasmine then proceeded to drag Anabelle into the kitchen so they could make the cake or whatever box mix Ana decided to buy. Which was cake but could have been brownies. Anabelle just picked the closet item to her when shopping. Once, we needed toilet paper and she brought home cloth napkins. I guess it was cute.

The kitchen was a bit dirty. Actually, that's an understatement. The kitchen was very dirty. It was a place you'd expect rats carrying plague would live. The washing was still in the sink, dirty pots and pans left on the stove and the cupboards were open. Luckily, most were empty. How they manage to make a cake is amazing, honestly. You couldn't look at it without getting some urge to clean it.

Ana picked up the mix and read the instructions on the back. Jasmine hurriedly followed them p, caring more about speed than precision. She was really just making a colossal mess of flour, egg and chocolate powder. The already dirty worktops were invisible under the piles of spilt ingredients.

"How is that a cake?" Anabelle muttered. Jasmine glared at her and carried on with her marvellous handiwork.

"And we'll toss in some more flour..." Said Ana.

"You mean..." Jasmine stuck her hand in the bag, "Like this?" She chucked a handful of the flour at Anabelle, hitting her right in the face. The white powder spread all over the messy kitchen.

Ana's mouth fell open in a shock. She seized the bag of cocoa powder and threw it back at Jasmine.

She grabbed the bag of flour and ran around the set-up table in the middle of the room, laughing hysterically. She hid behind a chair with her weapon already her hand.

"What ya so scared of, Jasmine? It's only a little chocolate..." Anabelle tossed some powder onto her. Jasmine was in fits of giggles now, this seemed like the funniest shit ever to her. Soon they were darting around the room, throwing dashes of the food at each other. Jasmine had started to defend herself too, using a pan that you use for pancakes and was alternating between hiding, dodging and attacking. Ana... she was just chucking as much of the cocoa as she could at her.

Then, Jasmine dumped the entire bag of  flour on Ana's head. It caked her from head to toe in a white; she looked like a ghost. Of course, her girlfriend doubled over and started laughing so hard she could've turned blue.

Anabelle was not laughing. She wanted to punch her in the face, see how funny it was then. But there was something about the whole situation and about Jasmine that made it seem almost humorous. Almost.

"You...you look like a ghost!" Jasmine wheezed.

"I hate you so much, oh my God!"

"You're a very hot ghost though." Jasmine bit her lip to suppress the laughter, trying to be a good, ethical person. 

Of course, they had to stop. Unfortunate. They stuck what was a 'cake' in the oven. No doubt it would be burnt; the couple would be too busy kissing each other to Sixteen Candles. They were kissing now, exchanging the sour and powdery taste of flour and cocoa. It was disgusting. But it was love.
A/N I wrote this at 1am so sorry about the quality lmao. Also, I got invited to a social gathering. I'm so popular. 13 is great! Yay! I'm really sorry this took so long to post too!

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