Part 1

172 5 4

A/n this is a one shot

Lucy's pov

"Luccccccccy!!!!!!" Juvia shouts from across the room

"Yeah what can I help you with" I said giving her a fake smile as she sits down in front of me

"Juvia needs help juvia want's to get to know gray-sama better but he keeps running away from juvia" she said 

"Well for starters you need to stop storking him and maybe go up to him and slowly get to know more about him" I said still giving her a fake smile

Freed's pov

'hmm something about miss Lucy's smile it just doesn't seem right' I thought 

(So this is after they fortght with zerafs demon's)

"Hmm so you notice to freed" bixslow said

"Yes miss Lucy's smile doesn't seem right to me what's her soul like" I asked him

"Not good she hasn't got the bright soul she used to have" bix said

"Hmm what are you talking about" ever said 

"That miss Lucy um seems how do I put this un um right depressed" I said while frowning while I see her leaving 

"I'm going to follow her to see what's going on with her when I get some information about it I'll tell you on what happened" I said as I followed miss Lucy home so after a few minutes I teleported only to see her on the floor crying

"*Sigh* it's just like you to hide your pain but why don't you ask for help when you need someone there to save you" I asked softly but then frowned as she wiped away the tairs and gave me a fake smile

"I don't know what you mean freed-san I'm happy as can be" she lied

"Miss Lucy I need some help with something" I said 'ill try to get information on how to get you to tell me what's wrong' I thought

"Sure what's up" miss Lucy asked

"You see I have a friend who is depressed and I need to know how to get some information out of her" I said while I sit on her bed next to her

"Sure, you just need to bug them until they say what happened" miss Lucy said with a fake smile

"So then are you going to tell me what's wrong or do I have to bug you" I asked her as her eyes widened

"I guess it wouldn't be bad to tell someone what happened when I forght demon's" I hear her mumble I just nodded and put her on my lap while I seen her blush a little

"So I had to make a choice that is I die or I break one of my friends to save everyone and I saved everyone but I had to get break my first spirit friend to summen the spirit king who got everyone one out" miss Lucy said as she started crying so I hug her

"So is there any way to get her back or is she forever gone" I asked softly

"She's gone I know she's not dead but I just miss her" she said sadly while crying some more

"Shhh~~~ it's ok everything will be ok and like you said she's not dead so cheer up I'm sure she misses you too" I said happily 

"Hey um freed there is something else I need to tell you but you can say no" she said so I nod letting her know I'm listening

"I *sigh* I er um I have a crush on you" she said as my eyes widened at what she said 

"It's ok if you don't like me I understand I'm useless weak and stupid so I don't blame you so um y you can go n-" she didn't get to finish because I placed my lips on to her's 

"Don't you dare finish you are not stupid, useless or weak so don't think such things ok? I love you to much and when I heard you started to talk bad about your self I was sad and plus you didn't let me get to speak" I said smiling at her very red face so I chuckled

"Huh I guess I didn't I'm sorry about that so um does this mean where a couple now or what" Lulu asked

"*Chuckel* well I would love to be a couple with you now how does that sound" I asked as she gave me a real smile

"I'll love that" Lulu said so I thought I'll be cheeky

"Ok so when do you want kids" I said but just after that she fainted

2 year's later

"And that lercy how me and you dad" Lucy said while hugging two green haired people

"Mummy, daddy do you think I should get depressed so I can find my love" lercy asked while Lucy and freed sweat dropped 

"No please don't" freed said


Grace: hah a one shot done

Lucy: *crying*

Freed: *hugs Lulu* what's wrong

Lucy: I miss her

Grace: well with the power over my books I can make her come back for you

Lucy/freed: thank you grace

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