Part 2( Do you think Lady would make a good Joestar)

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Joesph: you know don't you think That girl would make a good Joestar or no so what do you guys think about her  

Jolyne: yeah she would make a good Joestar beside she sound like a good person to be around with I mean she do sound cool

Josuke: I mean she is a Hottie and she does have cute long black hair and she does look like Jotaro age soon I think she would be a Good Joestar...But a better Wife

Joseph: Agree*blushing*

Jolyne: Hey idiot's instead of planning who will make a better husband now we should talk to her instead maybe we can ask Jotaro can she stay with us and we could hang with her.

Josuke: More like make love to her I wanna make her say her last words but making scream or moan

Jolyne: ewwww Milf Hunter on the line A.K.A Josuke and Joseph

Jotaro: Who is being Milf Hunter 

Jolyne: Joesph and Uncle Josuke

Jotaro: Yare Yare Daze let's just go visit my friend ok

Every Joestar: Yeah,Yeah,Whatever,Fine,Yay.

Jotaro Shows his Family to LadyWhere stories live. Discover now