Chapter 1

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My name is goldbloom, and boy do I have a story for you. This is the story about how I died. Sounds tacky right? Anyways, this is both a romance, and a tragedy, so hold on to your seats and let me tell my tale! It all began the day I joined auto-boot camp~

I walked into the training facility for the boot camp as I nervously fiddled with my fingers. Watching bots run around doing this and that filled me with an anxiety I didn't know I had. I found a place to sit while I waited to get checked in as I watched bots scrambling all around. This is when I noticed a bright yellow bot a small distance away from me. He looked to be a bit taller then myself and also seemed to be talking to another small green bot. The floor vibrates as a massive bot walked up to the two and began talking. Just then I realized that I didn't know how to check myself in. What a stupid thing to forget! I got up and shyly walked over to the three. I then lifted a servo and tapped the smaller green bot on the shoulder. He turned around with an annoyed expression as the other two just turned to look at me. "Huh? What the hell do you want?" He said and I jus looked at him and to the floor then back up to him. "So?? Spit it out already!! What are you mute?" I looked at the ground with my hand still raised in the air from tapping him and he busted out in laughter. "Imagine that!!! A femme wanting to be in the military but unable to speak?! Talk about worthless!" He walked away still laughing loudly and I turned to the other too. The yellow one covered his mouth as he tried to stifle a laugh as he also walked away. I couldn't help but just sulk down and look at the floor in embarrassment."so what was it that oh needed little buddy? I'm sure I can help you out! Even if you can't talk!" I looked up at the loud voice to see the rather large bot looking down at me with a smile. I pointed it him then to his keycard in his hand then at myself. "you want my keycard? Don't know how much good it'll do ya." I shook my head and pointed to my hand. "Say, where is you keycard?"I nodded viciously. "OoooooH! I get it now! Sign in is down the hall and to the left!" I put a hand over my spark and bowed a bit as a deep 'thank you' as I speed-walked to check in.

That next day all the recruits were lined up to begin training. I stood at the end next to the bright yellow mech. And to say the very least, I thought he was pretty cute~. anyways- th drill Sargent explained who he was and what we were going to be doing. The. The name portion came. I was terrified. I didn't wanna get stuck with a horrible name for the rest of my life.. the first bot was deemed 'long arm' because he had long arms- which was pretty straight forward. Then the next was iron-hide. His power was pretty cool I'm not going to lie! The next one was the green bot from before who laughed at me. I felt myself start to shiver just looking at him and the yellow bot beside me gave me a sideways glance. I'm sad to say that the green bot was amazing at using a stinger, and the drill Sargent thought so to, giving him the name 'wasp'. The yellow mech though, wanted to show off and showed just how good he was with his stingers- by destroying a building. The sarge got pissed and called him a bumbler. Then gave him the name 'bumblebee'. Bumblebee~ how cute~ oh! Anyways-.. so the next bot up was the large mech from before who helped me. He was named bulk head after being criticized by the sarge. Then- it was my turn... all eyes were on me. "Alright pipsqueak. What's your power." Everything was silent. "Hello? I'm talking to you? Don't ignore me!" He got in my face and started to yell. After this I quickly transformed my hands into rather large guns and aimed at the targets, hitting them bullseye every time. "Well I see we have someone else who is good at shooting. I'm sure you will bloom into a gold star student, 'goldbloom'" gold bloom. That name- is perfect! Why as I so scared anyways?? I gave a small smile and closed my optics I'm glee, happy the drill sarge praised me.

"Hehehe~~" "hey carful- sari don't wake her- wait a seco-" "what on earth are you two doing?" I opened my optics to see that sari was standing on my chest plate with a brush and a small thing of black paint in her hand. "It was bumblebee's idea!" She screeched happily as she hopped off and ran away from the so called 'Boss bot'. "MY IDEA?!? IT WAS YOURS!" I blinked a few times and then sat up. I sleepily watched my sparkmate Argue with sari and get lectured by Optimus at the same time. "With all this racket I'm surprised I got any SLEEP." A pouty ratchet walked into the room as I shakily stood to my feet, still sleepy from my nap. "Sorry ratchet, we will be quieter!"sari said with a smile as bumblebee glared at her. "Sari go apologize." Optimus said as he looked at her with a bit of disappointment. My spark sadly pulsated as I watched the joy flood from her as she looked at the floor. She trudged over to where I stood and fumbled with her fingers. "I'm sorry Goldie- I was only trying to have some fun..." I got down on one knee and poked her in the cheek with a smile on my face as a way of saying- 'no problem'. "Oh I almost forgot! Goldie-there's a thing humans do on earth if they can't hear! It's called sign language! I looked at her sideways with a confused look. I could hear just fine! "It's a bunch of movements you make with your hands so people know what you are trying to say! I brought a book so I could tech you! Of course everyone would have to learn it so they could understand you- but I wanted to give it a go!" You see, the issue isn't me NOT being able to talk. I can talk actually, but just not all the time. I speak with bumblebee when we are alone or before we go to sleep for the night but never out in the open. Nobody except for bumblebee has heard my voice. But not wanting to see the joy leave her pretty face overtook me and I nodded with a smile.

That night me and my sparkmate, bumblebee, walked into our shared berthroom. "I had a dream earlier" I softly said as I crawled onto the berth. "Oh yeah? Tell me all about it sweatspark!" Bumblebee excitedly said as he opened his arms, waiting for me to crawl into them. "It was about when we were back in boot camp, more of a flash back actually" I crawled into his arms and set my head on his chest as our leg got tangled together. "Ohhh I see. This we good times! Anyways- we should really get some shut eye. We have a long day tomorrow." "Yeah" "hey Goldie?" "What is is bee?" "Love ya~" "I love you too you sweatheart"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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