Guess Who's Back ?

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" You know Ion know shit so why even waste your time coming here ? Y'all know who I am , so why even come here thinking I'm gone snitch " I said as I felt my adrenaline start to rush. I usually could control my anger , but it seem like today my emotions were just high . Maybe because the situation was still fresh in my brain.

" Woah Woah Easy There Tough Guy , We Just wanted to um how do you say ? Test the waters. You'll be surprise who's a rat these days , it might even be the people closer to you . Keep that in mind. Keep your head up kid. See you soon. " said Chris as him & Gabe walked out the room laughing .

A week went pass & I was released from the hospital. They told me to stay on bed rest , but every other day I would walk down to June's just get some air , enjoying the scenery , say wassup to the guys  cause in a split second all of this could be taken from me. Those short walks to June's seemed so long cause my mind was still racing from before. I constantly wondered who was the shooter ? Why Me ? I felt like I showed love to everyone so who could possibly want to harm me.

" ... Most likely a hater , thinking out loud again huh Diya ? You missed me cheeks ? " somebody yelled out

I lifted my head as I slow walked up the block to my house. I couldn't see from a far , but as I got closer I already knew who it was.

" Shug ? What's fucking good ! When the fuck they let you out ? "

He smiled as he approached me to dap me up . I know him like the back of my hand so I know he was smiling just to show off his little glow he got from being incarcerated for 3 years or maybe he was just happy to be back out here with me. See Me & Shug go back to about 4th grade. It started off as just jumping people & stealing bikes for the block. Those Jumps turned into shots when we got older & those bikes turned into cars , but these weren't stolen. These were all cash baby , any car you name we drove it or had it from the old to the new. Shug wasn't much of the hustler type but more of the shooter. Don't get me wrong he could get money , but handling the packages & moving it was more of my lane. We haven't been together since 2015 because we both had to go take a slight sit down , but finally we made it back together. Who would've thought ?

" You see me Scoob ? I'm looking Igh ? See the dreads dripping now , Weight all up how they gone take me Slim ? You know I need some pussy from one of these little bad bitches you was sending up threw JPay . But fuck all that we could come back to that. Let's get this money & make some noise for that incident you had. I ain't just shooting anybody Slim , I ain't going back for a innocent. " said Shug as he helped me up the stairs .

" I know wassup already baby boy , enjoy your time home . Everybody got a date , just gotta wait on it. I'm gone get to the bottom of it , just let me keep my ears open & get back to atleast 85%. I can't think straight when I just got shot in my head kid , but enough about that . You the one fresh home I got something for you . Knock on the door , Tell Raya give you the Jordan box that's under the bed , that's all you , that's out of love . Keep everything . " I said lightly . I still had trouble talking a bit because of the two shells in my chest but the pain was bearable.

" Aw Man , to think you forgot about a young nigga , I only been out a day & im already getting gifts for you . Good Looking Diya . " said Shug as he ran up the stairs. The nigga didn't even knock but that's Shug , he knew he didn't really have to when it came to my house because that was something like his house. We brothers so I didn't mind.

" Come get this crazy nigga before he make a mistake slim ! He ain't been home in 3 year , why would you even give him another one if he just came home from one " yelled Raya out the kitchen window.

I walked up the stairs & towards our bedroom where I found Shug aiming his new piece at the mirror. " Oh so this that shit you was taking about huh ? I like this shit boy boy , you know this my styles ion even know why you would give me this. "

I began to laugh lightly as I laid down on the bed & watched him wave around the .44 Magnum.

" Better watch that shit , I already took 3 of them. I don't need nomore & that's a fact.  " I said as I lifted my legs onto the bed.

" You don't even care about the money or the drugs I left you to get you back on your feet . All you care a is that gun boy , same old Shug I see . "

" & that's a fact my nigga . I love you kid , thank you . I may still act the same but my thinking process got better . I matured , you gone see this time around watch "  said Shug as he tucked his new gun on his waistline

" I sure hope so , just give me some time. We gone have our time to make noise , just be patient " is all I got to say because he was already on his way out the door.  All I could do is shake my head cause I just had a feeling he was still the same old bone head , but hopefully this time I was wrong.

" I'm About To Go Say Wassup To Frenchy , Goon & Them I'll Be Back Later You Heard ? " Shug yelled as he ran down the stairs.

" Smh I hope you not gone go out here shooting at any & everybody Damien. I know what you gone do already just make sure it's the right person stank & don't let Shug end up back behind them walls. Be smart don't react off anger. You already broke one promise don't do it again. " Raya said as she brought my food into the room . All I could do is listen for the moment cause she was actually right. If I react off anger it most likely wouldn't go right cause my thought process would be off . Honestly , I didn't care about any of that. Only thing that was on my mind is finding out who did this to me & murdering him...

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