Chapter 7

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Morgrin and I ran to the door, and opened it. We were greeted with screams of terror as the city ran for their lives. Morgrin turned to me, "You have to stay here, you cannot get  caught!"

"Like hell! I have to help these people, Morgrin!"

"No! Look at yourself, you are not doubling over in pain, therefore this isn't an attack that the soldiers of Marine can't handle."

"I am going out there!" I yell, pulling the hood of my cloak up and pushing my way out of the door. I run down the alley and into the city square. People rush about, pushing each other around in order to flee. I glance up at the sky and see smoke blocking out the sun. The guard house was on fire.

I run in that direction, not caring if anybody recognizes me. I reach the guard house, and I am instantly blasted with a wave of  heat. Flames were shooting into the sky, licking up the side of the building. I lift up the collar of my shirt, trying to block out the smoke. I look around, trying to tell if anybody was inside. The smoke has made it hard for me to conentrate, but I close my eyes anyway, letting the image of the guard house fill my mind.

The image in my head shows me that the lower levels of the house are completly engulfed in flames. The upper level is getting there as well, but there is something in the upper level that catches my attention. 

There is a body, laying on the floor, unmoving. Without hesitation I rush forward, running into the wall of flames that cover the doorway. I burst through the crumbling door and try to find the stairs. They are on the far side of the room, shrouded in flame. I cough, the smoke burning my throat, making it hard to breath.

I make my way toward the stairs, avoiding the flames that try to engulf me. I can hear the wood crumbling behind me, and pick up my pace. This house will fall at any moment. I reach the top of the stairs just as they crumble away, falling in flaming pieces to the floor.

I consider becoming Kaloa, Mrogrin had explained that all I did was shroud myself in the same light that came from my fingers, but something told me not to. Something told me that He was only here in hopes of brining Kaloa out of hiding.

I quickly make my way to the farthest room, and find the body. I bend down and try to find a pulse. It's faint, but it is there. I turn the body over and examine the face. It is Mike, the guard who had come to Morgrin's house that first night.

I am trying to figure out how I am going to get Mike back down, the stairs are gone and I don't have the strength to carry him, when there is an enourmas groan from above me. I look up in time to see a large beam falling towards us.

In desperation, I throw my hand up in the air. The beam stops, and hovers. I stare in amazement. Morgrin never told me about this power. I slowly move my hand and the beam moves with it. I smile, knowing now how I will get Mike to safety. I place the beam on the floor, and conentrate on Mike.

I lift my hand, and his body moves with it. I slowly get on my feet, careful of Mike. I walk over to the hole where the stairs had been. Already, I am incredibly tired, my breathing becoming heavy from the task, and the smoke that clogs my airway.

I set Mike safely on the ground, and begin to lower myself down to him. I stumble when I land, spots appearing before my eyes. I need to practice more. As quickly as I can, I pick Mike up again, and push him through the door and out into the fresh air.

I set him down a safe distance away, and check to make sure that he is alright. He has stopped breathing. I strart to panic, what do I do? Then I remember, a spell that I knew. I set my hand on Mike's chest and speak the spell. 

"U'nuleia portuleia." Mike's eyes begin to flutter, and he coughs heavily. He should be fine after a few days rest. I get up and stumble away from Mike's body, breathing heavily. Every breath causing my throat to burn even more. As I make my way to the square, I hear the guard house crumble to the ground behind me.

I enter the square, hood still covering my face, and examine my surroundings. People still rush around in a panic, trying to safe themselves from the fire. I hear the sounds of heavy footsteps and see that guards are now pouring water onto the ruins of the guard house. I see one guard hovering over Mike's body, helping him sit up.

I start back in the direction of Morgrin's house, when time seems to slow down, the creatures around me slowing to a stop, mid-stride. I looked around in confusion, wondering why I was the only one who seemed to be moving. I turned in the direction of the guard house and suddenly doubled over in pain. I looked up to see a shadowy figure making it's way to me.

I cried out as the pain in my head started to become unbearable. I fell to the ground, unable to hold myself up anymore. I began to writhe around on the ground as the figure continued it's slow approach. I knew that I should have gotten up, tried to protect myself, but I couldn't function while in so much pain.

The figure started to reach for me, the pain flaring in time with his movements, when suddenly there was a loud noise. The figure quickly backed up, and disappeared in the shadows. The people around me had begun to move again, but I continued to lay, immobile in the middle of the square, my mind feeling as if it had been pulled apart, and put back together again.

I was dimly aware of someone bending over me, putting their hand on my forehead. I felt myself being lifted off the ground, and turned to look at who it was, but I couldn't make out their face before my vision went dark.

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