First Mission

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Hey guys! destoryergirl123456 back again with another chapter! just remember that this book was adopted from Yaoi4life4ever! So credit to her (or him or both of them?) for the first few chapters. But from this chapter to the rest, it's all mine, I made the rest of the plot and stuff. bai~

Persi P.O.V

Persi was awoke by a rough slap to the face, a red patch starting to form. Persi immediatly shot off the bed to see the face of her master, looking dead serious. "Get ready NOW, your first mission is today!" Persi nodded her head and held back tears. She ran to throw on her uniform, which was a lot like her masters uniform but blue and a little bit different. (Pic up Top but like more feminine looking and the helmet doesn't cover her whole head, instead pretend it's a blue mask that covers her eyes.)

Persi quickly followed her master out of their hideout and towards their destination. They were going to rob a well protected and expensive bank. Soon they finally arrived at the bank and ran inside with guns. Persi followed her masters lead as she did not want to be punished. She shakily pulled out her gun and held it up, aiming it at the civilians in the bank. "EVERYONE GET DOWN ON THE GROUND NOW!" Deathstroke yelled, watching the people scatter and throw themselves to the floor in fear.

"YOU WILL ALL STAY THERE WHILE WE LOOT THIS BANK! OR YOU WILL BE KILLED!" Deathstroke yelled once more, aiming his gun threateningly at everyone. Deathstroke began to speak again but was cut off by Batman and Robin flying in to take them down. Deathstroke became angry but quickly readied himself to fight. Without looking at her, he yelled at Renegade. "Renegade, take down Robin! I'll handle Batman!" Persi nodded, her body trembling. She reluctantly rushed over to Robin and held her sword unsteadily in front of her. For some reason, Robin wasn't doing anything. He was just staring at her with a look of curiosity on his face. Suddenly felt the hard glare of her master on her back. She flinched and quickly swung the sword at Robin out of fear. She did not want to be punished.

Robin dodged the sword slice and quickly knocked it out of her hands. He tossed the sword away from Persi, who was backing up with her fists shaking in the air. Although she didn't want her master to punish her, there wasn't much she could do without a weapon. She found herself running out of the bank with Robin chasing after her.

"Wait! Who are you anyways? Why are you even working for Deathstroke?" Robin called out to Persi. Persi soon came upon a dead end. She turned to look for a way out, but could only find one, in which Robin was blocking. Persi looked up in despair at Robin. "M-my name is P-persi." She whispered. She couldn't help but tell him. "It's the only thing I remember. I woke up to find him standing above me. My master. I don't know why he is my master though. I - i- he forces me to work for him and be his obedient servant... or e-else..." Persi trails off, avoiding all eye contact with Robin. Persi huddled herself into a ball on the ground, tears leaking out of her eyes.

"Your master is Deathstroke?!? You have free rights! He doesn't own you. How about you-  Persi stopped listening when she saw her master about to hit Robin. She lunged off the ground, using her arms to protect Robin. She lifted her arms to block the sword and closed her eyes to brace for the impact. When nothing happened, Persi opened her eyes to see something impossible. There was a barrier of water in front of her and Robin, successfully protecting them from Deathstroke. Her eyes widened, how was this possible?! Was she the one doing this!? She couldn't help but to look at her hands in wonder and confusion. Soon, Persi realized that the barrier had disappeared and Deathstroke was rushing towards her.

Instincts kicked in and Persi found herself skillfully evading his attacks and eventually knocking him down. Once she had him on the ground, she let her foot rest on his chest to keep him down. Soon enough, Batman arrived and handcuffed Deathstroke, but not before he turned towards Persi. "I'm afraid you will have to come with us." He said strictly to Persi. Persi's eyes widened in fear as she stared at him. Robin quickly interjected in the conversation, "Batman, she saved my life. It wasn't her fault, Deathstroke forced her to work for him and be his servant." For a straight minute, Batman glared at Robin. Eventually, he gave in, but still had Persi go with them for questioning.

That's all for this chapter! I would just like to say thanks for all the reads!! You guys(gals and binary pals) are awesome! I really hope you like this story so far!
destroyergirl123456 out~

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