Chapter Seven Pangs And I will remember you

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On Thanksgiving, Buffy encounters the restless and vengeful spirit of a Native American, called Hus, whose people (the aboriginal Chumash tribe) were wiped out by white settlers. During a tense confrontation, the Slayer fights a losing battle against her formidable foe - but fortunately, a mysterious protector watches over her from the shadows.

Buffy patrolling, finds a vampire, engages, and then slays it.angel has been watching her from behind some bushes. The colleges Dean Guerrero orates for the groundbreaking ceremony for the new authropology building, and xander is one of the construction workers. Xander begins to dig, but the ground suddenly caves out under him, and he drops into an old abandoned building. Unbeknownst to everyone, he frees the spirit, Hus, who wants revenge. Buffy is upset that her mom is going to be out of town for Thanksgiving, but then decides to cook her own Thanksgiving dinner and invite all her friends. Covered in a blanket and in terrible shape,spike runs through the woods, trying to escape rilly and his team as they look for him. Anya arrives at Xander's to find him incredibly sick, and right away starts taking care of him. A green haze comes up from the old Mission and goes to the Cultural Center where some weapons are being kept. After the haze comes in contact with a knife, it turns into a large native amarican man and kills the curator. Buffy and Willow later secretly investigate the murder, and wonder why the curator's body was missing an ear. They discover that a Chumash knife is missing.After Giles agrees to look up information on the chumash Natives, and Buffy leaves, Angel appears from the back room, having come to Sunnydale due to his freind having a vision of Buffy in danger. Willow goes to get cofee and runs into Angel. He tells her he's just looking out for Buffy because she might be in trouble. Starving, Spike tries to get food from harmony, but she threatens him with a stake and he leaves. With only a blanket to protect him from the sun, Spike shows up at Giles's place asking for help. Buffy is reluctant to give it, but after he offers inside information on the Initiative, and Willow helps him explain that he can't bite anyone anymore.The spirits attack Buffy, Giles, and Spike with arrows. Helplessly tied to a chair, all Spike can do is try to move out of the way as he gets hit with arrows. Willow, Xander, and Anya encounter Angel on their way back and they determine that the Chumash went after Buffy. Angel shows up and helps them out angel discritly moves around the building slaying demons that mite try to stop buffy and her freinds angel spotts buffy but manages not to get seen by her and the gang because angel got the vision from his freind doyle it was angel who secretly saved the gang from defeat. Buffy cuts one of the Chumash with his own knife, and reaches the conclusion that their own weapons can kill them. The spirit turns into a large black bear, which Spike desperately tries to get away from and ends up knocking the chair over. Buffy struggles with the bear and then stabs it. All of the spirits disappear. Angel walks away without being seen by Buffy, and later, the gang sits down to Thanksgiving dinner. Still tied to a chair, Spike sits with them and whines that he still hasn't been fed. Xander accidentally lets it slip that Angel was in town.

buffy follows angel back to loss angeles, where she confronts him about his surreptitios assistance back in sunnydale after there argument is over buffy says there is no reason for her to stay and turns her back to leave that is until she and angel are attacked by a mohra demon. the mohra demon made its way into angels office by smashing its way through the window buffy kicks the demon but it dosent do eny damage angel punches the demon in the face and the demon flees back out through the window. buffy says to angel who was that ? angel replys by saying he hasent met the demon befor. buffy realising that its not going to be a good idea to leave angel to fight the demon by his self she decides to stay and help angel defeat the demon.

buffy and angel follow the mohra demon through the sewer tunnels but the demon managed to escape. buffy says to angel that he must have got out into the streets. angel replyes by saying yea where it nows i carnt follow him buffy he says go the the beach theres a medical hut demons go there sometimes if thay need to get patched up. ok angel i wont be long. just befor buffy leaves he says he dosent feel so good and buffy thinks hes talking about the two of them and about there feelings to one another but what angel really ment is he felf weard because of the demon blood. buffy goes and hunts the demon leavins angel by himself.

angel walks down the tunnels and is on his way back to his office Angel meets the demon on his route. As they fight, the Mohra demon cuts Angel. Angel kills the demon. Its blood, eventually found to be the Blood of Eternity, merges with his own, and he becomes human.

latter angel goes and finds buffy on the beach mind you its daytime buffy spots angel and can not belive what she is seeing angel walks up to her and kisses her will this finally mean happiness for angel maybe or maybe not.

angel and buffy are now back in angels apartment telling doyle and cordilia what had happend to angel. doyle says angel this is great you can do enything you want now. both cordie and doyle can not belive there eyes. latter doyle and cordilia leave angel and buffy by there selves buffy gets into bed and waits for angel to join her. angel is in the kitchen with his arms full with chocolate and ice-cream with his arms full he goes to the bedroom and puts the food on the bed and then gets in beside buffy. buffy and angel talk and tell one another that thay love each other alot. time passes and buffy and angel are both asleep in the middle of the night angel wakes up and goes into the kitchen doyle enters the room a little nervouse and worryied. he tells angel that the mohra demon has regenerated its self and is angry that angel has turned human because of its blood angel decides to go and kill it but doyle sugestes that angel mite need someone a little more supperhuman and looks at buffy. angel dosent want to wake buffy so he goes and hunts the demon by himself.

when angel and doyle get to the place where the demon is angel grabs his sword from out of the car and engages the mohra demon in a battle to the death because angel is human now he gets beat badly and is on the ground couthing up blood the mohra demon grabs angel and tosses him into a pit below.

back in angels apartment buffy finally wakes up and asks cordelia where angel is corde trys to make a story up to hide the truth from her untill she finally tells buffy where angel is she amidiatly goes out to help him.

back in the pit angel continues to get beat and beat until angel realises that to kill the demon you have to smash the jewl on the demons forhead. buffy arrives just in time to save angel but she to gets beat and beat by the demon untill angel tells buffy about the jewl and soon after she swings a chain in the air and smashes the jewl saveing her and angel.

latter that day angel decides that he can not save people as a mortal and most of all he carnt save buffy so he goes and and sees the oricles and asks them to turn him back into a vampire with a soul so he can protect the earth. the oricles decide this can be done only if angel goes back in time and swolloes the day as if it never happend and only he will remember this day angel gets sad and aggrese that its the only way.

back at the apartment angel runs into buffy and tells her that the oricles are going to change him back and only he will remember the day buffy crys and holds angel tight the clocks time is up and angel goes back in time to the start of the day buffy enters like befor says what she has to say and leaves leaving angel and his freinds with a sad day that angel will live with the rest of his life.

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