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Night had fallen and most had already left. I had prolonged it long enough and decided to get it over with now. I looked at the bag and chose to leave it after today's incident. As I rounded the corner, I saw Jinho locking up for the day. He turned around and locked eyes with me. "Did you leave something in here?" "No...I-" "Then have a good night." He soon walked past me as if nothing had occurred. Was he purposefully ignoring what happened? "Jinho!" I covered my mouth as I had said his name by accident. It did, however, cause him to stop.

"Yes, Mr. Kim?" "About earlier...when Maerin came in..." He didn't answer but turned to look at me. "I need to be somewhere tonight, so we can talk about it tomorrow or on the way there." "I'll get my things." "Make it quick, I'm already running late."


I quietly sat in the passenger seat as the route he took felt familiar. "I thought you wanted to talk." "Ah, yeah..." I fidgeted a bit before spilling my thoughts. "She gave you a nice shirt." "Yeah, it was pretty thoughtful." I hid my frown behind a smile. "That's not what you really wanted to say, was it?" "That's right." I sat back then cleared my throat. "About the papers and leaving like that...I didn't mean it. I was emotion driven." "I figured as much. So, apology accepted. What I do want to know, is why were you emotional over the situation?" I quietly looked ahead as he turned off the highway. "Spur of the moment I guess."

He was silent for quite some time before speaking up. "I'm letting you off with a warning. Don't let this happen again, understand?" "Loud and clear." I felt better knowing that he wasn't as upset as I thought. "Jungwoo." "Yes?" "Did you give the person the gift yet?" I shook my head then subconsciously tightened my grip on my bag. "Oh? It wasn't for someone at the company?" I sighed then figured it wouldn't hurt to tell the truth. "It was for-" The car suddenly swerved and a horn was heard. I quickly looked at Jinho who seemed just as startled as I. "What just happened?" He pulled over then put on the hazard lights. "Can you drive?"

I was familiar with the car as I had driven it before. "Jinho, is everything okay?" "Yeah." His eyes said otherwise. "If you say so." It then dawned on me that I had no idea where we were going. "Jinho, do you mind telling me the address?" "Just go straight then make a left at the second light." I nodded then moved back over into the lane after a few cars passed. He was quiet, but it worried me as it was a different kind of silence. I put on the turn signal and waited for the light to change. I took the opportunity to check on Jinho then frowned as he looked unwell. "Are you-" Cars honked and I realized the light had changed.

"Right here." I noticed it was a pretty simple restaurant. Jinho didn't look in any condition to eat whatsoever. "Are you sure you're okay? I'm sure they'll understand if you tell them why you canceled." "I'm sure." I couldn't understand why he was so set on doing this when he looked close to passing out. I helped him out the car then led him to the entrance. "Hello and welcome." "We're part of a party. Hui." He tapped on a few things then led the way.

"You don't look good." The girls nodded in agreement. "Jungwoo, what did he eat?" I shrugged as I had no idea. "Excuse me." We watched as Jinho left his seat and walked off. "He's so stubborn sometimes." I looked at Hui with curiosity. "This isn't the first time he's done something like this. I wish he'd look after his health better. I hope this isn't asking much, but, could you help him? I'd hate to see him go so young..." I could hear the concern and worry in his tone and felt moved. Hui really seemed to care about Jinho. "I'll try." "Thank you. His other assistants...weren't that great. You're different somehow. I think it was right of him to hire you." I became bashful at his praise. "I'll go check on him."

I pushed opened the door then looked for his shoes. He was the only one in the restroom. "Jinho? It's me, Jungwoo." He didn't respond. "Jinho..." I knocked on the stall door, but he still didn't respond. I didn't want to in fear of falling in, but I convinced myself to enter the other stall and peer in over the top. "Great...He's out like a light." What concerned me was what had happened to cause him to pass out.


He started to stir and we all felt relieved. "Uncle Jo!" Hyunseul started to weep and Hyunjin soon joined in. "Jinho, what happened?" "Don't worry about it." He started to sit up but we quickly pinned him down. "Jinho, can't you just relax and think of your health first?" The girls nodded along as they looked at him teary eyed. "Fine." I could see he wasn't 100% with the idea, but didn't want to disappoint them. "So, what do you remember before passing out?" "I felt sick and thought it was just passing nausea. But then I regurgitated and...that was it."

I frowned as something had to have happened while I wasn't by his side. "How long did Maerin stay? Did she give you anything edible or some liquid drink?" "Yeah. It was some kind of milk tea." "It must've had almond in it." We looked at Hui who had a serious look on his face. "You think so?" "Know so. Remember that one time you had that cookie in university?" "Ah, unfortunately I do..." I looked between the two of them with interest. It appeared that their friendship ran back to their university days. "Stay here for the night. You too, Jungwoo."

"I couldn't." "I insist. There's plenty of space for two more." "If you really don't mind, then why not." The girls cheered then went on about all the fun we'd have tomorrow. I looked down at Jinho who looked somewhat better than before, but not completely. "Jungwoo, do you mind taking them to their room? And come back as I want you here." "Sure..." I couldn't help but wonder what Hui needed me there for.

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