Too little

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Brendon's p.o.v
I wake up feeling smaller than usual. I feel something wet in my pants... uh oh I wet the bed! I shake Daddy until he wakes up, he sees the problem and gets out of the bed to pick me up.
"Did daddy's baby wet the bed?" Daddy asks me. I nod my head slowly and start to whine. He shushes me and gets a diaper out of the drawer. He pulls my boxer off and slides the diapers on.
"We have to go to Tyler and Joshy's house, buddy. I have to go to work so they're going to take care of you. How old are you right now?"
Ryan's p.o.v
He held up 1 finger. Shit, I have to leave him with Tyler and josh when he's this little. I pick him up and go downstairs. I put him on the couch and he starts to cry. He makes grabby hands at me so I pick him up.
"We have to get you dressed, little prince." I say softly. I pick out a onesie and some Jordan's. I grab shorts and his pacifier.

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I put his clothes on and notice that brendon still hasn't said a word

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I put his clothes on and notice that brendon still hasn't said a word. I put his paci in his mouth and pack his bottle. I put a hat on him to match his outfit;

He is finally ready so I pick him up and head to the car

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He is finally ready so I pick him up and head to the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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