Frank The Bunny Man

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(A/N well I had enough time, so I decided to make the next chapter, have fun reading :3)

Your Pov
After a few minutes of running I slow down. What even happened? Why did he help me? So many questions are in my head, but I can't answer them.
I shouldn't worry so much, I'm not going to run into him anyway again...
Oh no, after all the events, I forgot about Jake! I quickly get my phone out of my pocket and type in his mobile number and call him.
'Come on, come on...'
Jake: Yo what's up (Y/N)?
You : what's up!? Don't scare me like that ever again! I thought the inspector got you!
Jake: Whaaat? No, I could escape him, like always you know? Why are you so worried this time? You were never scared like this, did something happened?
You: Phew.. I'm glad you're alright. It's just.. Hard to explain, a lot of weird stuff happened.
Jake: I'm listening.
You: Alright.. You told me to hide in the underground. I did, and the inspector wasn't far away from me, he thought you were down there.
Jake: oh man, maybe I shouldn't have tricked him.. Did he found you?
You: No, well after he looked around, he was about to leave, but he hid in an old train. At first I didn't know what's going on, but then I saw a..weird looking guy walking on the tracks. He was wearing a bunny mask and a black suit.
Jake: wth? Why was this guy there?
You: well I guess he wanted to open a portal to another world or something like that. But because of a graffiti, the portal wouldn't open. But after it did open, a train went through the portal, and disappeared...
Jake: Oh man, what do you think is he up to?.. The dude must have been veeery mad after that.
You: ugh. Yep, he was. Well, I'm going home now. I'll text you later. Bye J.
Jake: Bye (Y/N), be careful.

After I called Jake, I went home and made myself a bubble bath, so I could relax a bit.
After an hour in the bathroom, I go to my room and lie down on my bed.
I close my eyes for a moment until someone rings my doorbell.
Who could that be at this time? It's like 8 pm.
The doorbell rings again and I quickly go down the stairs.
I stop for a second at the front door, then open it after a short hesitation.
I swallow nervously.
Am I dreaming or..why is the man with the bunny mask standing right in front of me?
"Why do you..know where I live?"
I ask him, nervous like a wreck.
He points to me.
"You followed me!?"
He nods.
"W well I am sorry but.. I am very busy right now!"
I quickly try to close the door, but he puts his foot between it.
He shakes his head and it looks like he wants to tell me something.
"Okay, what do you want from me?"
He pulls out a phone from his pocket and apparently writes a message.
Confused, I look at him. Then he shows me the message he has written.
I look at him for a moment and start reading the message.

I know you must be very confused at the moment, but I want to try to explain you my situation I'm in right now. Well I guess you saw all the things that happened in the underground. I tried to open the portal that could bring me back into my own time. But apparently
I missed my only chance to get back. The portal can't be opened again, and now I am stuck here. I don't know if there are more portals out there,so I have to find another way back somehow.
And another problem is, I have no place to stay. You were the only person that came into my mind that could help me..
Please let me stay with you for a while..

After reading the message, I can hardly believe that a real time traveler is in front of me.
Pleadingly, he puts his hands together.
I think a moment about letting him not in. But I just can't leave him out there. Sighing, I show him that he can come in.
After I close the door, he takes my hand and shakes it.
"Please excuse me that I have not introduced myself yet, I am Frank."
He says with a low but smooth voice.
Shocked I look at him/his mask.
"You can talk!?"
With a short laugh he answers
"Of course I can talk, I just haven't done it in a long time. So I guess since you want me to talk, I have to get used to it again"
Looking at the ground I say
"Would you mind if I apologize for today? Today was really a stressful day, I'm sure for you too. It's the best if we talk about everything tomorrow and go to bed now. You can sleep in the guest room opposite the bathroom. It's right there" I say, pointing to the guest room. "And if you need anything, my bedroom is upstairs on the left. You can't miss it. Good night."
"Wait a minute, I still didn't catch your name!"
He asked me before I could go up the stairs
"It's (Y/N)" I tell him with a short smile and walk up the stairs.

"Thank you (Y/N), good night."

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