Once upon a Crimson moon

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Once upon a moonlit night
The vineyards lay within the soft crimson light
The normally white glow turned
The crimson blood red moon
Hanging proud above my head

I feel uneasy as if something's
Beady black eyes are reading every move I make
The beast nowhere to be found
Yet I know its there

Running through the unkept rows
I turn my head only to see my shadow
I stop
It stops
That's when I see it

Once upon a night like this
The time evil likes to roam

Once upon a moonlit earth
I realized who I really am...

I am the beast
Fangs, claws and fur

Only on this night
When the blood moon shines bright
The new beast roams the earth

Something that hides in the shadows
Only realized on this night

Once upon a crimson moon
Nowhere left  to hide

*Clover's pov*

Sebastian  walked in with  a bowl of milk and was composed like he was before I made him blush. I gave him my halo eyes. "Please?????????" I asked. "Come here." Sebastian demanded. "Purr" I morfed to my cat form. He set the bowl down and I drank it up. Licking my whiskers, I morfed back. "Thank you!" I hugged him. He practically ran out of the room, nosebleeding. I giggled and sat on the floor next  to Ceil. "You know I love you?" Ceil blushed. "U-uh-uh I-i-i am bound to E-Elizabeth!" I rolled my eyes. "Not like that silly! Like Family!" I smiled. He blushed darker and looked away. "O-o-oh" Giggling I sat under the chair, in my Shaki form and took another  nap.

*Ceil's Pov*

What just happened. 'Not like that silly! Like family!" The words repeated in my head over and over. For some  reason I felt happy, and disapointed. I wonder why? "Young Master?" I realized my  face was in my hands. "Yes?" "Is there something wrong?" My butler asked smirking. "You like  her don't you?" Blood rushed to my face, "No! I-I uh, I am engaged to Elizabeth!" He smirked again. I then smirked at him. "You like her also?" His smirk faded. I knew it. Who  will she choose?

*The next day in Clover's POV*

I opened my eyes while stretching. I was at the foot of Ceil's bed. I yawned hopping off the bed. Ceil slept, until  I ran out of the room yelling, "YAOI!!!!!!!!" Sebastian sighed as he watched me run through the hallways.  "You should stop befor-" He caught me. I just almost fell but he caught me. "You fall." I licked his face   and started running again. "YURI!!!!!!!!!" Hands above my head I bumped into a person. On my ass now, I looked up. "HIYAH! I am the amazing Clover~ Nice to meet you Finnan!" "W-what! How do you know my name?" "Dumb luck?" He helped me up and I started running again.

*2nd person pov*

Sebastian looked in the direction Clover ran, after bumping into poor Finny. He Face palmed. Then he heard a crash. Clover ran into Meyrin. "I LOVE YOU!!!" Clover yelled, most likely running again. "I swear, she's a pain, but she's cute." Sebastian sighed again. Ceil, not happy about being woken up, got up and called for Sebastian. "Yes young Master?" "Dress me" Ceil said oh so monotone. Clover on the other hand was running through the garden being chased by Pluto. She teased him. Smiling she climbed a tall tree, waiting to see what would happen next. Hitting her head she looked at Pluto from an upside down Point of view. "Hi there." Pluto got exited and turned to his human form cuddleing into her. Grinning she petted his back. He lickeed her, in which made her giggle. Ceil was eating breakfast, while Clover sat at the other end of the table, scarfing down food of all kinds. "Aren't you full yet?" Ceil's eye twitched. "Not even close!" downing more food until her plate was empty. "SEBBY! CAN I PLEASE HAVE MORE FOOD!?" Ceil facepalmed. "We are going to need more food..." Sebastian walked in with three more plates filled  with  food. Setting it down, Clover scarfing more food down. "That is no way to eat!" Sebastian looked to Clover moving the plates out of her reach. Swallowing she glared at him. "Then how does one eat, Mister Michaelis?" "Here, Say ahh." he stuck a small fork full in her mouth. "Now chew slowly and swallow." She did as she was told. "But I like my way of eating. But I like the sensation of being fed. FEED ME MORE!" After eating Ceil called Clover to his office and told Sebastian to leave them alone. "So, Clover. U-uh..." he blushed. "Never mind, you can leave." "You can tell me. I trust you and you trust me." "But what if... Ok, So I like a girl. She's a pain, and shes crazy. But I like her. Like, as in really like her. But another guy likes her also. What should I do?" "KILL THE OTHER GUY! After you tell her how you feel, you need to take her all to yourself." she smirked evily. "Ok then. Well, to confess...." he sighed. "You are that girl."


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