Chapter 2 (edited)

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In the middle of serving dinner I had felt my phone vibrate but, I had decided against checking it. I waited til I was sat at the table to check my notifications while waiting for everyone to come down.

I scrolled through the typical notifications such as Netflix updates or YouTube recommendations before I found that I had gotten an email from Chloe.

"Hey honey, where is everyone?" I turned to find my mom walking through the front door setting her bag down and removing her shoes.

"Oh you know, taking their precious time." I absentmindedly told her as I started to read the email.

'Hello Alia,
I was just letting you know that my son would not be able to join us tomorrow. I was hoping you would get a chance to meet him before your first official day but, it seems he is occupied until Monday. Anyways, I would still like to meet tomorrow at seven thirty in the morning. I should take advantage at the fact that he's not home so that I can give you a complete house tour. Here is a list of all the topics we will go over:
-Your daily task
His meals that you will prepare
The general shopping that needs to be done
The kind of chores you will do
The protocol for his appointments
The medication he takes
And how to care for his hygiene
-Set up your bank account and direct deposits
- Go over the rules and restrictions of the house
- Get your car set up
- Get your room set up
I know this seems like a lot to do but I'm sure we will get them done in a quickie!
See you soon! Chloe.'

I probably read the entire email 10 times before it finally set in. "Did she say car? What does she mean by my room?"

"Why are you talking to yourself?" Esmay, my oldest sister, questioned as she walked around the table taking a seat right in front of me.

Putting my phone down I realized that I have been sitting at the dinner table alone for the past 20 minutes.

"What is taking everyone so long to come down?" I asked ignoring her rhetorical remark.

She looked at me as if I was slow, while she shoveled a spoonful of rice into her mouth. "No ones home." She said with her mouth full.

"What do you mean no ones home? I just saw Mel and mom just came home."

"Nah bro they all just left." I looked at her, hoping to see the telling signs that she is just messing with me but I didn't find any as she sat there still shoveling food into her mouth as if she hadn't eaten in days.

"What, then why did I spent all this time making dinner for everyone if they were all just gonna leave?" She just shrugged. " well where did they go?"

"Out." Was the only answer she gave me before she stood up to put her empty plate in the sink. Without washing her dishes she walked back upstairs.

I just sighed and went back to reading the email.


"Is that really what you're wearing?"

I looked down at my outfit, which consisted of a grey patterned pencil skirt and a white long sleeved blouse.
When I didn't find anything wrong with it I turned back to look at my sister Jasey.

"Yeah? Why?" I had planned this outfit the night before and figured it looked really nice and professional.

"Well you're a care giver not a secretary. You really wanna be wiping butts in that skirt." She said pointing at it and making a face.

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