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{Melanie's POV}

Anthony called Felix, Marzia, Ryan, Connor, Dan, Phil and Tyler. Shane could be here any minute, so was the rest.


Anthony, Felix and Connor: Flames.

Joey, Dan, Phil, Ryan, Tyler and Shane: Halfbloods.

Marzia: An Aphrodite on the side of Anthony and Joey.


Everything went really quick, everyone was inside and people were talking. Ian sat next to me.

"Hey.." he said.

I looked at him in disgust. "I can't believe that you've done that! Just! Argh.."

"It was Angela, she put me under a love-spell, I had to obey her. Normally, I'm strong and I don't give it up.. But she threatened me, she said she was going to kill you, and all of my family and friends. I don't want to lose you.." He buried his face in his hands, and there was a long akward silence.

A boy with brownish hair and he wore a beaniestood in front of me. "Are you guys okay?" He said, looking at me, he had greenish eyes with kind of blue in it.

"Euhm. Yeah.. I guess." My akward reply was.

"Oh ehm sorry, Connor." He helped me up.

"Thanks" I smiled, I knew Ian was going to be mad and jealous, but yeah..

{Kalel's POV}

Darkness, I couldn't escape from the darkness all around me. I was running away but I don't know for who or what, suddenly I woke op from pain in my wrists. I opened my eyes. I hung with chains on my wrists to the ceiling, and I couldn't touch te ground. Tears were forming in my eyes, I tried to scream but it was impossible.

I was stuck here.

{Anthony's POV}

We drove in the directions Ian pointed us, she must be somewhere here.

"Is it here Ian?" Joey asked, looking at a old warehouse.

Ian sighs and nods. "Yes.. Here it is.."

We jumped out of the car, ready to attack. But nobody was there. We walked inside and found a hallway with doors, we opened one, and another.

After 3 doors I found her, others were in other hallways, I was alone.

"Kalel!" I said, ripping of the ducktape.

"Anthony! Leave! It's the best! I'll save myself, just leave! It's too dangerous!" I saw the fear and sadness in her eyes and actually considered leaving.

"No Kalel. Everyone is here, searching for you." I tried to get her down when the door opened, it was Angela and the rest was behind her.

"Angela..." I whispered.

"Kalel!" Joey ran towards us.

"Get her down!" Ian's voice sounded trough the rooms.

"Ah our little traitor.." she whispered as she walked towards him.

[A/N] Okay, I just don't know how to end it, and this was a nice cliffhanger so ya.

Euhm, I'm thinking of a little contest, you know like, celebrating that I have 122 reads on this story. This is actually the story I'm most focusing on, but back to the subject.

To celebrate that we have 122 reads on this book! *drumrolls* You can be added in the story! Just comment what you look like and what you want to be, like on the evil side on or the youtube side. :)

I know probably no-one is going to do that so, eh..



if you want to be added in the story.

Okay baiii!

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