Memory (1)

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She was humming a happy tune when she noticed Daniel outside her dorm room looking stiff and bored with his hands in his jeans pockets. She scrambled to her feet and give him a tight-lipped smile wondering why he's in the school dormitory at this time of day. She look down at her feet feeling embarrassed when he didn't spare her a glance yet marveling why he was here when he was supposed to be in the canteen or with his family eating lunch.

"So this is your room." 

She chance a glance at him and notice him intently staring at her door particularly at her hand-made cut out letters that says ' Welcome to Leilah's lair' and a big yellow heart at the side. He still look so beautiful even with just his side profile.

He suddenly turns his head to look at her that she got embarrassed when he caught her staring at him. She look at her feet again, rolling the hem of her shirt around her thumb and nodded shyly.

"I have to look at something inside your room." He stated. He didn't ask or demanded just simply stated what he wish and its up to her to grant it or not. He didn't even state what 'something' he is looking. "Well?" He ask after a while when she was just standing there dumbstruck deliberating his request.

What could he find in her room? She could ask but she was too embarrassed and shy to even open up the topic. It was merely months after he befriended her and her friends.

She was still astounded at first but when she got her wits back she immediately open her room and beckon him to come inside. With her right hand holding the keys to her room and her other hand holding the edge of the door she slowly walk inside and saw him looking at the only windows in her room.

Windows. He was looking at the windows.

She was glad that she cleaned her room before going out to eat lunch at the nearest eatery near the school.

Nothing was amiss; everything is still the way she left it. Her room is a one-person bedroom, its small compared to the other rooms but she like her privacy and she works better when she's alone. It has a small built-in cabinet at the right corner where her clothes are neatly folded. At the other side is her bed with pillows neatly tucked at each other. She love her comfort so much that she spent her save up allowance to buy pillows; there are a total of five pillows at her bed; two large pillows, two medium sized one and one extra-large hotdog pillow. Her shoes are piled at the end of the bed. Her small study table where Daniel is currently standing is filled with books and school materials; there are no pictures of her and even a mirror. She doesn't like the image she see in the mirror that's why she hate taking pictures.

She was still holding the door when Daniel speaks again. "So this is what you see outside. " He said more to himself.

He was still looking outside thru her windows while she was internally debating whether to close the door or just leave it opened. She has a crush on Daniel that she buried deep down on her heart that having him inside in her room is making her senses in a mess but if her friends know that Daniel is inside her room especially Abby who unfortunately for her, the only one that knows that she fancied him, she will probably not see tomorrow without getting tease and she doesn't like getting teased. She will probably cry seeing as she was very introverted.

Or not. But she likes to call herself introverted. She likes being alone in her room most of the time. She doesn't like crowds oftentimes but she can be one of the crowd. She's usually alone with her books, yes, but she's not lonely.

She wants to go near him and look what he was seeing even though she probably look at it a thousand times already but if she go she will either leave her door open or closed it. Her door doesn't have a doorknob; she relied on a rug that she stick in between to keep it close when she go out to Abby's room to eat or when she's stuck in her room for so long that she ought to find human company.

After contemplating so much, her heart wins over comprehension that she started to get down and retrieve the rug to close her door. When she stand up after putting the fabric she was surprise to see Daniel looking at her while smiling coyly. Her heart started beating crazily that she feel her cheek heating up from that smile. She instantly glance down to look at her feet and avoid foreboding questioning why she have a tomato face.

"Why did you close the door? Are you going to molest me? " Daniel ask in a surprise tone.

She immediately look up at him with eyes wide open while shaking her head. Daniel has his right arm in his chest feigning a surprise mien. That was not her intention. "I... N-no..." She tried to explain but failed. All reasoning left her and add the fact that she did that to get close to him so she's guilty as hell but still, she wouldn't do that, she like to keep her virtue intact until she's married.

He just laughs out loud and walks towards her. After patting her head, he opens the door and leave her without saying another word.

She close the door in haste and plop herself down at her bed. Her legs felt like jelly and her heart is acting crazy.

What the heck is that?

She knows Daniel is just teasing her but it's the first time that he teases her like that. Did he, for the life of her, knows of her secret?

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