Angel x Demon

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Yay!! First request!! This story is for:


The picture above is the characters by the way. And just know that this is HARD yaoi.
Demon name: Haru
Angel name: Tsuko

Tsukos POV

The world of the dead is separated into 2 realms. It is what mortals call, Heaven and Hell. But we, angels and demons, call these two realms: Lune and Core. We also don't refer to ourselves as Angels and Demons. Me for example, I'm a Lunar. My dad is the head Lunar. We call him the King. Although we know that he is not the actual King. He's just the head of angels.

I'm usually referred to as the prince. People think I'm so pure and innocent. Well, moreso than other Lunars. It's true though. I'm still a virgin(Lunars are born Lunars and yes, we do reproduce), I'm 17 and I don't even know what drugs are, I've never dated, and I hate when we have wars with the Undine. Undines are what humans call Demons. Whenever we have a war, I'm usually ordered to hide in my Chambers. I stare out the balcony of the palace and sigh heavily as I question why I am the way I am.

"Tsuko!" My sister calls.

"Sona! What's wrong?" I asks, worried and confused on why she has such a distraught look on her face.

"It's father! He's fallen ill!" She says, tears streaming down her face.

My eyes widen and I freeze for a second before dashing to his room. Once there, his servant calls me over and I kneel down beside his bed. "Father...."

"......Tsuko....I...need stay strong for me....." He says weakly.

I nod and hold his hand. "Okay, father."

My eyes burn with sorrow as I try to hold back my tears. Father closes his eyes and smiles sadly. He breaths his last breath and I put my head down as a tear escapes me eyes. A loud scream rings through the air causing me to snap my head back up.

"SIR!" A maid Lunar yells.

"What happened?" My father's servant asks.

"The Undines have broken through the gates of Lune!" She yells in fear.

My eyes widen and I stand up while letting go of father's hand. "Understood." The servant nods.

"Your highness, stay here and we will aid you in moments time." The servant orders.

I nod, understanding that I'm now their first priority. The servant bows and walks out the door, closing it in the process. I hear him ordering a guard to guard the door as I sit on a bedside chair next to my father and sigh. I hold my head in my hands and hope that these wars would end. Then I hear a painful groan from the other side of the door. I shoot up from my seat and put myself into a battle-ready stance. The door flies open, revealing a tall male wearing brown.

He has tan skin and deep mahogany hair. From his head pokes out two skinny horns. "Y-You're a....... Undine....."

He smirks at the sight of my trembling body and takes a few steps into the room. "Huh, seems the old geezer finally hit the hay. Wonder where you Lunars go after death."

"We don't do anywhere. We just disappear from all existence." I respond firmly.

His smirk grows mischievous and he takes more steps towards me. I pull out my dagger and hold it out in front of me, my body still trembling. The Undine breaks into fits of laughter, causing my eyebrows to furrow at his rudeness.

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