Chapter 20 kinda 18+

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                             sorry i suck ass at updating but hey lol i have school off due to snow so um yea btw this chapter will also be kinda 18+ lol so yea

y/n pov
i woke up at 8:36 and looked over at namjoon who happened to be awake
Namjoon: Morning kitten
Y/n: Morning daddy
Namjoon:dont call me that unless your gonna do something
y/n: yes sir
i walked into the bathroom and started washing my face
i smirked and walked out to see him pouting and with a pillow over his lap i started laughing and looked at the box
y/n: lets see what in there
i looked inside to see a lot of sex toys ...damn kinky boy 😂 i found what i needed a cock ring (yes i looked up sex toys for men ok im not the perverted ....and also how they worked )
y/n:daddy ill help
namjoon: what did you grab
y/n: youll see *grabs handcuffs *
namjoon: y/n what-
i cut him off by a kiss and while so i hand cuffed him to the head board i pulled away and pulled down his pants and boxers

damn hes huge

namjoon: y/n you better uncuff me right now or else ill-
i laughed and put the ring on him and turned it on high he started groaning and i smirked
y/n: ima go take a shower
i locked the room door and went into the bathroom
1hour shower later
i took a long shower on purpose and when i got out i saw him sweating moaning and cum everywhere i turned it off and kisses him
y/n: hi daddy
namjoon:your so screwed
y/n: ima go gets some food
i turned it back on and walked out the room
yoongi:hey wheres namjoon
y/n: in the room
yoongi: k *about to walk in*
y/n: NO!
i stoped him and showed the remote he started laughing and said
yoongi: lets go get some food
time skip after breakfast
i walked up to the bedroom to see namjoon asleep i turned it off a while ago and god a rag to clean him with i kept the handcuffs on because safety reasons and layed next to him playing with his hair
y/n: im sorry *hugs*
namjoon: uncuff me now
y/n: no
namjoon: do you want a worse punishment
y/n: no *uncuffs him*
namjoon: lock the door
y/n: o-ok
i walked to the door and fr right now i regret everything i did
namjoon : come here
he is oddly calm and that just scares me more i shook my head more
y/n: pleasenamjoonimsorrypleasdontpunishme
namjoon: did you call me namjoon
y/n:please im sorry
i was honestly terrified by how calm and yet strict he is
namjoon: come here baby
i shook my head more and he sighed and walked up to me i looked at the ground
namjoon:look at me
i looked at him and he led me to the bed without me really realizing he kisses me and i melted into it he pulled me onto his lap and i tried to get off but it resulted in getting my ass smacked
namjoon: count
i counted up to thirty and i started crying halfway through he hugged me and cuddled me till i fell asleep
namjoon pov
shes so adorable but god she just teases so much i texted yoongi fucking you and also tae im sorry you had to say that yoongi replied with lmao she ok and tae said im going to sleep 😑 i told yoongi she will be
end of chapter

i feel like shit i haven't updated in to long ughh but anyway this is 652 words  thanks you guys ily byeeee

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