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The Next Morning


I wake up and Daniel isnt beside me. I forgot they had a show today. Hes probably at sound check. I check my phone and its only 11:37 AM so he isnt at sound check. Ill just text JoJo to see where they are, because its awfully quiet in the house.

Texts between Jonah and Y/N

              Lil Sis:
    Hey Bubba where are you guys?

We went to get breakfast. Dont ask, yea we got you food AND starbucks.

               Lil Sis:
Yayy!! Best brother ever!!

Lol ok sis im driving now ill see you when we get home x ♡

End of Convo..

I get up and go downstairs. I go to the kitchen and get a glass of water until my coffee gets here. I go and lay down on the couch and scroll through instagram. I see that Dani uploaded a picture. I didnt think too  about it. I just liked it and kept scrolling. I think i might message Gloria because i haven't messaged her really. But then i hear a car door shut and instantly run to the door. I run to Jonah and tell him thank you for the food and coffee. And them i walk up to Dani and hug him a give him a small kiss on the cheek. Then i give the rest of the boys a hug and we all go inside.

Time skip brought to you by Jacks noodle head self ♡♡

3:45 PM

I just got to the the venue because im going to be at the concert with the boys. They just won't know it until they see me in the front row. Yea, i bought nosebleed section tickets to my brother, boyfriend, also best friends concert. Do i care what people think? No because who cares what people think haha.

Time skip to when the concert starts.

I just got to my seat. I didnt go to the meet and greet because i dont want them to know im here just yet. The lights go dim and i hear the music to'Choose' start play. All of us in the crowd start cheering. When they come out on stage they start singing they Jonah looks and the frony row and spots me. His jaw drops but he smiles. He doesnt do anything. He taps Dani's shoulder and points at me a little. He looks at me while im dancing to the music and smiles at me.

Another Timeskip cause im lazy// skip to limelight//

When we get to the limelight i run and jump on Jonah's back. He kinda freaks out but notices no fans were there yet so he knows its me. "Hey baby sis" he says. "Heyo bubba" i reply. I get off his back and we hug each other. "Im glad you came." He says. "Me too!!" I say. "Im gonna find Dani now." I say. "Hes gettin dressed." He warns but i honestly dont care about it. I walk to find Daniel's dressing room and see a door with 'SEAVEY' on it. I dont even bother to knock. I walk in and see Daniel in a pair of black ripped pants and no shirt on. He quickly looks behind him from the wardrobe. And smirks. "Well hello there beautiful." He say. " heh-hey there sexy" i say. " he comes up to me and,snakes his hands around my waist and kisses me passionately. I kiss back and he starts to kiss my neck a little. I hold back my moans by biting my lip. "D-damn baby the l-limelight-t is about to start. Not right now." I stutter. We hear music start playing and he quickly grabs a shirt and slips it on. " we can finish this later on tonight maybe?" He asks. "JoJo would kill us Dani" i say a little worried. "Nobody gotta know" he says and winks. He kisses one more time and says " ill see you out there. Oh and i would cover that up if i was you babe" with a smirk. I look in the mirror and see a dark purple hickey. I turn really red in embarrassment. I grab the concealer and foundation and cover it up. I walk out and see Jack. I decide tl go and jump on his back also. I cover his eyes and say "GUESS WHO!?!" "Y/N GET OFF OF ME CHILD!!" He says over tbe music. "IM NOT A CHILD IM OLDER THAN YOU!!" I reply. "Only a month" he says.

To be continued...

A/N: HEYYYYY!!!! Lucy here!! Sorry for the short chapter guys. Im really busy with school and everything. Sorry but hope you like this.. PEACE!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!❤❤🦄🤓💕💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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