Chapter 16

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Derek killed time before his flight out of New York by passing through the paperback section of the nearest in-terminal Hudson News, realizing early on in his search that he'd read most of what was good on the shelves before deciding the same about the magazines. He finally focused in on the picture books, smiling as he eyed some of Isaac's favorites. It wasn't until Peter, the Knight with Asthma jumped out at him, though, that he picked one up off of the shelf. The cover was bright and featured a young child dressed in shining armor battling a green dragon from his bedroom. Derek couldn't help but laugh and open the book, thinking of Isaac as he devoured each page. He pushed it towards the cashier and pulled out his wallet before he could stop himself.

It wouldn't fit in his carry on; he needed to get a smaller laptop if he was going to keep traveling like this. So he held it under his arm as he boarded and slid it into the seat pocket in front of him.

"Kid has asthma?" the woman beside him asked and he didn't have to look over to know she was of the business type. The ones that traveled too often to have a relationship wherever home was, always dressed for a meeting, able to pack their entire life into the largest carry-on suitcases allowed.

"Yeah," Derek chuckled as he made eye contact, something he would have never done if she hadn't asked such a question.

"How old?"

"Three," he explained as he pulled his phone out to text Stiles that he'd be taking off soon.

"Is that him?" she asked with a smile as she pointed to his home screen, Isaac's blonde hair and blue eyes radiant in the dim cabin light.

"That's my Isaac," he found himself saying, surprised that he was letting the conversation continue.

"He must've gotten your wife's eyes."

"He's adopted, actually. My husband and I-"

"Oh," she giggled nervously, catching on. "I'm...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have...oh, God..."

"It's fine, happens all the time," Derek smiled, fumbling with his ear buds, not really wanting to put them in just yet.

"My daughter loves that book," she finally mentioned, pulling out her own ear buds but keeping them in her lap as she unlocked her phone and showed Derek a picture of her seven-year-old child. "Got us through some tough flares."

"We've had a really hard time getting his asthma under control lately so I thought it might cheer him up. Make him feel a little more powerful."

"Round-the-clock breathing treatments?" she asked, and Derek felt guilty for misjudging her just a few minutes beforehand; had she thought the same about him?

"And steroids."

She nodded and gave an understanding whistle. "The mood swings are a killer."

"Tell me about it," he laughed, suddenly thankful that someone else outside of their tiny family understood.

"I hope your little boy feels better soon," she smiled before turning her music on and tuning everything out. Derek gave a small smile and thank you before doing the same, reading Stiles' text miss & love you. see you soon before placing his phone on Airplane mode and closing his eyes.


Derek slid into the passenger seat and paused after a quick kiss at the slight strain in his husband's breathing.

"Everything okay?" Stiles asked at Derek's reaction as he checked his mirrors, blinker on so that they could merge into traffic.

"Yeah, just...missed you is all," Derek smiled, looking to the back seat as a means of hiding his concern. "Where's Isaac?"

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