26: Epilogue

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The night sky was beautiful tonight. The dark colors were somehow comforting. Maybe it just had to do with how depressed I felt at the moment.

I was sitting at the edge of the bed I had fallen asleep on the bed. Gazing out the window.

The feeling of waking up after attempting to take my own life has become dull. The disappointment afterwards. The plain emptiness of still being here.

My mother. My Rose. I never knew it'd hurt that much to lose them until now.

Arms snaked around my waist then my chest as I was drawn from my thoughts. Nina had latched herself onto me and a measly smile spread across my face.

I turned to face her. Her lips came to my neck before she pushed me further down against the bed. The bedsheets caressing my back as she kisses onto my chest.

Her fingers ran over the cleavage cut of my shirt. The buttons popped off. Nina was almost naked herself. Her skin was so beautiful in the moonlight.

Nina looks up from my stomach and bites her lips as she comes up and kisses mine. "I'm really sorry," she whispered against my lips once she withdrew.

She stared into my eyes with such sincerity. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and she kisses me more passionately than the last time she did.

I heard her as she inhaled from her nose and I feel the warmth of her breath onto my cheek as she exhaled, "I love you."

There's a soft knock at the door and I slowly release her shoulders as my head turns towards the closed door.

Nina leaves me with questions in mind as she walks to the door. I hear the shuffling sound of Nina coming back towards me so I try to sit up. "Why'd you unlock the door?" I ask as she climbs into bed.

Nina says nothing as she pulls me into her arms and presses her lips onto mine with a soft hum. My eyebrows push towards each other but then her tongue flicks on my lip and bliss spreads through my body so we part to kiss deeper.

Her arms hold me tightly as her hand runs up my back. Her hand finds my neck under my hair and kisses harder.

I heard a clicking sound and my eyebrows push together again as I hear the door close. Wasn't it already closed?

Nina's teeth bites down onto my bottom lip and pulls it towards her as my eyes open. To the right of the bed stands Raya in a loose shirt and dark pants.

"Nina?" I question with my eyes not leaving Raya's.

Nina pushes her head under my chin as she kisses my neck. I give her room to but when she tries to push me back down my body flexes and I stay sitting.

Raya's eyes were on me. My body was tense under Raya's gaze and thoughts cloud my mind. Why is she here? When'd she come here? Am I even ready to face her? Was I supposed to forgive her?

I knew that there was something different about me but I couldnt put my finger on what it was exactly. I felt and seen something different within nina. Almost as if she was afraid to loose me, like she needed to show me she wanted me and it was shocking.

The interaction between raya and nina was different as well they seemed really close, closer then they we're before. There eyes gave them up, I saw longing in them a sense of submissiveness in both their eyes.

The love that was held between all three of us was evident and it was an all too familiar feelings. There was no need for me to choose, there was no one I loved more than the other. I loved them both equally.

How odd was it that I had lost so much in so little time but I was able to find a love so rare in the mist of all of it.

"You hurt me" I approached Raya

We held eye contact for quite awhile and then her arms engulfed me, she hugged me, she held me tight as a sob escaped my lips. I was trembling in her arms and I soon wished that gravity had taken me away

"I'm sorry" she sounded exhausted as she said it

"Why?" She asked "You have so many people that love you including me, so why?"

I broke down even more, my sob got stuck in my throat as I coughed to let it out.

"I needed to feel free, I needed for life to slow down. I've been through alot in the past year and I wanted it to end" I spoke honestly

Nina was at my back as she held me from behind, her lips met my neck as she breathed me in. She sighed contently it was a mere second but in this moment I felt something.

One thing led to another and all 3 of us were on the bed ravishing eachother as if I didnt know they had killed kyria. I did know, I just didnt care to ask.

I've always been an observant woman and an observant woman I will stay but I also know when to let things go.

Our bodys rubbed together and formed perfectly with one another as if we were becoming one. I wanted to mold myself, beautifully sculpt myself into them and become something they would never forget. I was a woman who was unforgettable and I knew that.

This moment was perfect, it was beautiful and I was finally allowing it to be just that. Beautiful

Six Years Later

I woke up in bed the nightmares just wouldnt stop but I knew it was only an old memory trying to haunt me. My father doing what he did to me haunted me still and I dont think it would ever not haunt me.

I sat up and rested my hands in my lap, I looked to my right and raya laid there looking peaceful as she slept, it was a beautiful sight to see. I looked to my left and there Nina was her hair was a mess it fell over her face loosely and she laid there sprawled out like she was the only one in bed.

Nina was a wild sleeper and that I didnt like too much but it was adorable none the less. I heard little feet patter outside the hallway and there she stood the most beautiful than all of us combined.

Hayley our four year old daughter almost five years old sat there with her teddy bear in hand and her thumb in her mouth.

"Mommy why is Mama and Mom sleeping still? I told them I was making breakfast" She sighed dramatically

I gestured her over to come sit in bed with us, she jumped in bed and sat on my lap looking to each side of her smiling.

"you know now that I think about it. Its okay that they are still sleeping"

Soon after Nina and raya woke up and they both took turns kissing me on the lips and then kissing eachother when they each noticed hayley they kissed her on the cheek. It was so pure, rare and real.

I had a family something I thought I would never have and in this moment I felt at peace for once.

"I love you both" I smiled

"We love you more" they said in unison

"We love you too munchkin" we all yelled to hayley

She smiled and giggled as we tickled her. It had been 6 years since everything happened and all of us being together, we had a house that we all owned together, love that was unbreakable and a daughter that was ours to raise together.

"Can we all go eat now? I'm starving" I interrupted

"Yes! Lets go" our daughter smiled "its probably cold now"

The End

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