Phantom Love: Chapter 4

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[Nico's P.O.V.]

      When I woke up, at 7:21, Roland was no where to be seen. Was it all a dream? I looked at my wrist, it was wrapped just as I wrapped it last night. So I really saw him.. but was I just hallucinating?

     I climbed out of bed and started my morning routine. When I got downstairs, there was still no sign of him.

     Well that's a huge disappointment...

     I fixed my dad's breakfast and some toast for myself. I wanted to have a quick meal and be out the house before Dad woke up with a hangover. I'm sure the consequences of that happening are clear. I put Dad's breakfast in the fridge and put a note on the door so he would know it was in there. I grabbed my toast out the toaster and walked out the door.

     I walked to my car and got in the driver's seat. I turned around to throw my backpack onto the backseat. When I turned around I almost pissed my pants. What I did do was hit my head on the roof of the car. I rubbed my head.

     "I am SO sorry!" That panicked expression covered Roland's face yet again. I smiled. I'm glad it wasn't a dream or some kind of weird hallucination.

    "I'm fine... Believe it or not, that's not the first time that's happened. Granted never with a dead person but there is always a first." When my head stopped throbbing I dropped my hand to the steering wheel and put my key into the ignition. "Try to avoid doing that when I'm driving or we will really have a problem on our hands."


     "You apologize a lot, don't you?"

     He pouted but nodded his head in agreement. "I should've got here earlier though. Or just met you at school. I knew you weren't at school so I should've known you'd still be on your way..."

      "How? You have some ghost "knowing" thing or something?"

     He chuckled, "No, I was just at school."


      "It's weird, but every night, when I disappear, it's nothing but darkness, then I have a flashback to the day I died. After that, every day at 7:21, I'm suddenly back on Earth, standing in the exact spot I died."

     "Did you say 7:21?" My heart started racing. If felt like it was going to jump right out of my chest.

     "Yeah? Why?"

     "No reason." I started the car and forced my attention to the road. I tried not to think of that night, but I couldn't help it. As I pulled out of the driveway, all I could think was what the hell all this could possibly mean...


[Roland's P.O.V.]

     When we got to the school, the first thing we could see was Heather and her posse ganging up on Rose in the middle of Nico's usually parking spot. Lucky, I was restrained by the seatbelt when I bolted out the passenger seat, through the dashboard, and to Rose's side. I was about to get feisty when Nico suddenly slid in front of me.

    "What's going on?" He had an annoying look on his face as he glared at Heather.

     "Don't you look at me like that! This b*tch is in my parking spot! She knows damn well I always get the spot next to you! She even dares to say she has to talk to you? What could she-"

      "Heather! Shut up for a second. Why can't you park on the other side?"

     Heather looked like she had been slapped. I'm surprised she hasn't been already. "Uh, cause I don't want to! That is my spot and I'm not going to let some whore take my spot!"

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