Billy Russo Drabble

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Spying the sign across the road, I grab Billy's hand, making a beeline for the entrance

"Where are we going?" he asks confused, realising this isn't the way hom

"In there" I say pointing to the sign

Suddenly I am jerked to a standstill, turning to face Billy "what's wrong?" I ask puzzled

"We are not going in there?" he says firmly

"Scared Russo?" I ask him a smirk on my face

"No" he scoffs "It's just pointless, it's a scam"

"Oh come on Russo, where's your sense of adventure?" I ask

Billy rolls his eyes but doesn't move

"I dare you" I say knowing he can never resist a dare

His dark eyes narrowing "And if I do it? What do I get?" he asks licking his lips

Resting my hand on his shoulder I stand on my tip toes leaning in I whisper in his ear "you, me, the backseat of your car, I'll let your imagination put the rest together"

Pulling back I see a smile on Billy's face "Well" he says nodding towards the sign "after you"

Taking his hand again we both walk into the storefront under the psychic sign, an elderly woman watches us as we enter.

She stands gesturing us to follow her behind a beaded curtain door, following her lead we sit down at the table.

Taking my hand, her fingers gently brush over my palm "your life is about to dramatically change, everything you know will no longer be a guarantee but you will persevere, I see adventure in your future. You must remember to trust your instincts or else your future is in jeopardy" she tells me releasing my hand

I can feel Billy watching me out of the corner of his eye, the old woman reaches out for Billy's hand, I can see him tense as she strokes his palm

Her eyes widen as she looks at his face "you've experienced great pain in your life, you've witnessed things that no man should ever see" she pauses stroking his palm "you will soon reach a crossroads, you need to make the right decision, if you react emotionally you'll lose everything" she tells him

She releases Billy's palm looking at us both "would you like your cards read?" She asks

"No thank you" Billy tells her curtly standing up and walking out

I thank the lady, sliding some bills out of my wallet "no charge" she tells me shaking her head looking me in the eyes she whispers "he will be your downfall, don't let your heart cloud your instincts" stroking my arm she looks sad

Turning to follow Billy outside I can't shake the feeling of the sadness the woman was radiating

"I told you that was a scam" he says wrapping his arms around my shoulder and pulling me into him

"Yeah" I say shrugging my voice lacking conviction "I guess so" snuggling into Billy's side I replay her earning in my head

"Do you want to grab coffee or just head home?" He asks me

"Let's just go home, I'm tired" I say distracted

Billy studies my face, unable to place my look he steps to the curb flagging a cab "come on let's get you home" he says

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