Chapter 7: The Blind Bull

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-Gwyneira's journal

-Past memory


Another entry. I don't quite know the time but it's been at least a day since I last wrote in what happened during the little filming event. I've been a little on edge since then and honestly I'm not too sure on how to really continue this. However, dear friends, it is my duty to report everything I see and hear into this book in hopes of my time here becoming known by my Atlas co-workers or anyone remotely close to James. That, and the fact that I don't wish to become just a name in history, I wish to be known and to set an example for my people and the future kids that will inhabit Remnant. 

I think today it would be best if I started off this chapter of with a simple...'FUCKING HELL I'M IN PAIN!', or something along those lines. My leg honestly hasn't stung so much in my li-...well actually no, there was that one time it got cut off...

To be honest, I'm probably being a bit of a drama queen. Okay, okay, I know I'm being a huge drama queen, but really can you really blame me? I had woke up to the newly introduced daily dose of disgusting slob for breakfast and then had found myself staring down at my leg; all stitched and bandaged up to almost perfection, though I did retie it myself a couple times out of habit. Although one would expect me to be grateful to whoever bandaged me up, I honestly had and still have no idea who did it. 

It seemed that at some point, while I was asleep, someone must have came in, fixed me up and then left before I woke up. I had no clue if I should have been flattered or extremely creeped out, as on the one hand, I want to thank them for showing me at least a little care in this shithole, yet on the other hand I want to scream and slap them because they had been in my cell while I was unconscious. They could've at least woke me up. I could have handled that in all honesty, the real thing that had me so on edge is that my skirt was replaced with a pair of black shorts! I was also greatly annoyed at the audacity they had to have me wear their silly White Fang emblem. Thinking about it much more clearly as I write this down, I know that it was bound to happen at some point, after all my skirt had been too stained and too ripped to cover as much as I had wanted anyway, so I should have been at least a little thankful that I was given shorts and not just left bare.

 I may have been a little too delirious to think properly back then, however over the past day I've been putting my semblance to good use and have been analysing and thinking over it again and again and honestly I have to applaud Adam for his try at confusing me. I had been noticing how cautious my prison guards had been acting since I'd first been imprisoned here. Despite the beatings, they had never gone as far as to stab me or cause any permanent or life threatening damage, I was beginning to think they cared about my survival. Perhaps it makes me sound crazy, but I think when Adam stabbed me, he truly didn't mean for it to cause me any life lasting harm. I realised that I had been acting really blind lately, as I truly should have noticed it sooner, noticed that my suspicions were indeed correct. They were keeping me alive for some reason. They needed me. For what though? I'm still not quite sure yet, but Adam's try at kicking me off track from finding out failed completely, in fact it only made it easier for me to sniff them out.

It might not taste good, but the cherry on top came from the slop they delivered the morning after Adam's 'attack'. The shift in taste was easy to spot, as I soon sniffed out the unappetising blend of egg yolk, spinach, porridge and dried fruit. It surly was disgusting, but the slob's gag-worthy contents were all necessary ingredients for my recovery from the said blood loss. I've caught onto their game. Not to mention they even supplied me with water this morning, something they've made sure I have only had enough of to stay alive. Granted it has been always served in a bowl from them, but I'm not one to complain. I'm truly flattered really, to think they're treating me like an animal in a zoo, minus the glass and annoying children all lined up to try and provoke me... Unless you count Adam, though I suppose, just because he acts like a child I can't quite regard him as such. Especially since he seems to be around my age, myself being twenty-three by the way.

The latest news I can report in this, minus my own happenings, is that Sienna Khan is officially dead. I overheard the Grunts babble about how their Leader was attacked and killed by humans. 


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to guess that she was overthrown by the newest leader, Adam Taurus. I doubt he would have been picked as successor, much like James, Sienna must have had the brains to not chose anyone so young or emotionally unhinged to take over if something were to happen to her. So to pick Adam of all people, is very much doubtable. From my time here I've heard only praises be sung about the bull Faunus, while Sienna's name has come from hushed whispers of complaints. Her own people have called her too weak, complaining about how she waits too much to do anything and some have even outright said she should step down from leadership and pass it down to Adam, whom they believed to be a much bolder fit.

It was almost as if a target was painted across his face, screaming 'I killed Sienna'. I legitimately was bewildered at how stupid some people could be. No, not stupid. Blind. Sienna at least had the sense to realise that not all Humans were racist and not all Faunus were oppressed. She knew when to take and when to stop, yet now she was gone and the blind were now lead by a blind leader. How stupid it was.

That could have easily been the path I took... I thank my sister for keeping me from that life, I thank Ozpin and James for giving me a new purpose to oppose the hate and revenge that once consumed me, and I also thank my students. They taught me that all lives lived truly must be treasured. Even the most corrupted people have lives worth appreciating. 

I'm becoming sleepy again, I knew the water tasted off. I wonder why they'd drug me. No point in wondering too much though, I have to put this away quickly before I pass out and someone finds it. I'll hide a page or two in my hat just in case.

I'll write when I next can.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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