I am..

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I'm giving up,

        I'm giving in,

                I'm falling into my temptations

                        I'm going to accept that I'm not wanted

                                drag these blades across my skin

With my skin split,

        tears streaming down my face,

                blood flowing from my body

                        I don't care anymore

                                I'm just going to find the edge..

                                                and plunge over it

I'm done trying...trying to make the best of it

        I just want it all to be over with

                I'm just going to slit my wrists and bleed

                        you don't care like you used to,

                                you don't care like you say you do

                                        I don't think you want me at all

                                                        you say you want me

                        But I think you only want me because your friends want you to want me

Tell me if this is true

        tell me if this is false

you led me on, you played me like a card

you toyed with my heart, and dropped it

                and guess what?

I picked the pieces up and put them right back into your hands...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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