Chapter 5

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Harry's POV:

At the hotel:

We were finally got back to the hotel and went to our separate rooms. I lay on the bed watching Louis flip through movies.

"Boobear is it me or does our little Zayn have a huge crush on our little Kitty?" I say smiling as he turns around and puts in a movie and starts it.

"Now that you mention it... It makes sense. When he looks at her you can see there's a light in his eyes." Replies Louis as he jumps onto the bed and lays next to me.

"I know but then there's the Liam and Niall problem..." I remind him scrunching up my forehead remembering the day Liam told us he has a crush on Sarah.

"Yeah but Liam has Danni now and.." Points out Louis.

"I know I know but did you see Liam's face when she told us who said those things to her? He was downright ready to kill them. And Niall doesn’t have a girlfriend" I say looking at Louis as he plays with my curls.

"I know but do you honestly think Liam would risk it?" Says Louis looking down at me.

"Ok I see your point... so what are we gonna do about Niall and more importantly Zayn?" I ask. 

"I got a plan." Smirks Louis evilly.

A few weeks later:

Sarah's POV:

"Ok Sarah the progress you have made is phenomenal you don't need to be fed through a tube anymore and in three days time you will be able to walk around again. If you keep this up you will be released earlier maybe even by next Monday." Says my doctor, Dr. Hale.

"That's great I can't wait to tell the guys!!" I smile and there's a knock at the door. "That must be them!" Dr. Hale opens the door and leaves at the boys walk in.

"Oh my god you guys I have awesome news!!!" I squeal.

"What is it love?" Asks Niall.

"I don't need to eat through a tube anymore and in three days I will be strong enough to walk around on my own again!!!" I say smiling.

"That's great!"

"Way to go Sarah!"

"I'm so excited!!!"

"But wait there's more! If I keep this up I'll be released by Monday! Wait what day is it today?" I ask.

"Its Thursday right now." Says Liam.

"Sweet that means I get to walk by Sunday!" I squeal but then I frown. "The only thing is when I'm released I'll have to go back to my school..... I don't wanna go back."

"Why is that?" Asked Niall  sitting on the edge of my bed.

"The students there... bully me..." I say looking down and I feel someone take my hand and look up into Zayn's eyes. God he has such beautiful brown eyes.

"Don't worry love we got your back." Smiles Zayn kissing my hand and I blush.

"Zayn's right we are always going to be here for you. In fact the lads and I have a surprise for you on Monday." "Says Harry.

"Really? Do I get a hint?" I ask looking at the boys hopefully as the lads gather around me and smile. 

"Nope!" Says Louis popping the p.

Authors Note:

Hello loves! Thank you so much for reading please do comment and vote for my story! Also I am holding a contest to see who can make the best cover for the book! Sorry for the short filler chapter I've been a bit busy seeing as i had surgery a week ago! Anyhoo!

Much love, Dawn

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