Imagine 7

611 9 0

You and Logan have been best friends since you were babies and recently you started to like him more than that. You try to set it aside but you get jealous every time he talks to another girl. It's sunday and logan has asked you for help. "How do i tell a girl a really like her?" he asks. "Just tell her Logan,Text her" you say. "Are you insane?! What if she doesn't like me back?" he yells. "Lo, she'd be crazy not to like you back." You tell him. He smiles and starts to text the girl. You leave the room and like 5 minutes later you receive a text from Logan. "Um..You sent it to the wrong number Lo." you laughed , he blushed, looking at his phone again. "No, i didn't" he said, looking at you.

Hope You Enjoyed!
Word Count~ 149
~Sorry It's Me

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