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Chan glanced at Felix before turning back to Jeongin, "Felix said the figure whispered to him that Seo Changbin was coming before he woke up screaming. Do you know who Seo Changbin is?"

Jeongin sighed as all the memories involuntarily started recalling itself in his mind. Jeongin knew he couldn't hide it from them anymore. They deserve to know. After all that's happened to them for the past month, they HAVE to know.

"Seo Changbin was one of my close friends. He used to live here in this apartment 2 years ago. He's been here way longer than I have. When I first arrived here, he was the first person to speak to me. He made me feel welcome and became a good friend of mine. I soon found out that he lived here with his boyfriend, Kim Jinwook." Jeongin paused, letting Chan and Felix take everything in

Felix just sat there, staring at Jeongin without uttering a word, and Chan did the same thing.

"Their relationship worked out pretty okay. Whenever we hang out together, they always got along well. And they were happy with each other... but.."

"But... what?" Chan asked

"But... one night, I heard police sirens right out of the window. When I looked over... Jinwook hyung laid there... lifelessly... he was ran over by a car."

Chan and Felix's eyes widened. They didn't think it would be something like this.

"We soon found out that Changbin hyung committed suicide... he stabbed himself with a kitchen knife.. right here.. in this very room.."

Chan glanced at Felix and saw the younger staring at the floor. It was all too much for the two of them to take in.

"After a week, the detective told me, based on the evidences and witnesses, that the reason Jinwook hyung ran out that night was because he found out that Changbin hyung was cheating on him. It was Jinwook hyung's last words before he took his last breath. When the detective reached Changbin hyung's room, he saw him laying there with a knife on his chest. Changbin hyung committed suicide because Jinwook hyung found out he was cheating."

Chan gulped, his throat feeling dry. Felix stared at the cup in his hands, his used to be warm tea now cold.

"But I don't believe that that's what happened. I know Changbin hyung well and I know he wouldn't cheat or commit suicide. He always told me that self-harm was wrong and there's always a better way. He's a very loyal person too. I just... feel like there's something more to it. I wish I know what really happened." Jeongin sighed, running a hand through his hair

Chan leaned over and placed a hand comfortingly on the younger's knee. With his other hand, Chan took the cup from Felix's hands and held the trembling boy's hands tightly, Jeongin soon joining in. Felix squeezed their hands lightly, letting them know that he appreciates their comfort.

After a few minutes of silence, Jeongin broke the silence, "I really don't think this is a coincidence... maybe I should call Hyunjin and Seungmin hyung." Jeongin said, his voice quiet

Jeongin stood up and pulled out his phone. Chan presumed he was going to call the two people he just mentioned. Chan took the seat beside Felix and wrapped an arm around the younger. Felix was about to feel himself relax but suddenly, Felix saw someone appear in front of him.

It was him.

It was Changbin.

Felix was about to react, but Changbin was quicker. Changbin suddenly started strangling Felix. Felix held Changbin's wrist as Changbin straddled him. Felix tried fighting him off but to no avail. Changbin was much stronger than him.

APARTMENT #8 | Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now