Law and Order Svu : Medical Rage

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As usual while uploading my stories here Wattpad mis paragraphs my stuff and I get to lazy at times to go and full reparagraph a story.

If anyone reads this or any stories of mine please Leave "some" feedback , even just a sentance on it , or review whatever. Whther Positive or negative , feedback IS feedback. Mad peace. (o:

Present Dayish.......New York City......

                                                               Law and Order : SVU  

                                                                   Medical Rage

                                 It is Late Afternoon.......The Local EMHC Hospital.....

                                                   Her name is Jenny Vulpes , a thirty seven year old , long blond , semi feathered bobbed styled haired , green eyed , small cute nosed , full red lipglossed , pouty mouthed , long cute blondish faced woman. She is a nurse at a local but very newly switched to hospital , an esteemed , semi veteran nurse. She is slimmish , petite , shortish , very busty , firm perkily , curvily built. She has a slight Spanish seductive look upon her and is wearing an atypical white nurses clothy thin , red crossed central logoed hat of sorts poised on along her semi feathered , bobbed styled blond flowing hair.  

                                       She is also within her nurses uniform ,a thin short sleeved white , semi unbuttoned shirt , a white tubetop , no bra , a thin white belt , a white middle lengthed thin clothy skirt , a pair of thin white see through kneehigh stockings and a pair of low topped white sneakers. She is casually walking down an atypical hospital hallway , a real long and wide , gareish , aged grey tiled floored hallway.  

                                                              She is carrying a flat metal vertical poised held tray before herself and atop all along of it are several small white paper roundish cups upon it semi in line in placed vertical rows. Others are all around and traveling abit also throughout this hospital hallway as she walks past side lined mostly open doorwayed atypical , sterile hospital rooms. Several various aged and looking nurses and doctors casually and firmly scatteredly walk past and around her at breif casual moments also casually walking onward ahead.  

                                                          She reaches the end of this hallway before a big wide spacious section then even then more of the contuation of this big , wide , long gareish hospital hallway. She then curiously pauses stopping in her walking tracks and looks way over to the far right down a smaller looking dimly lit hallway with the same greyish tiled floor. She sees to its leftside a slim , thin greyish metal door semi opened up and partially closed too. It to her automatically looks only jus like a broom closet or something similar. She casually walks right up to an empty metal long vertical poised atypical long thin metal legged black wheeled gurney. She puts this tray of pills down atop of its bottomside and then curiouser looking , peering ahead walks further right over far right down nearing and nearing this slim partial closed , slight opened upped door. 

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