Chapter 2: Date The Direction

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The boys were picking us up at 5 later that night/afternoon, and by the time we got to Maddie’s house it was already 3:30. We didn’t know if the restaurant was fancy or not, so we wore casual dresses and  ballet flats. We left our hair the same as it was. I saw Maddie put on some perfume and decided to put on some too. Why not, it was a special occasion!

At exactly 5 o’ clock we heard a knock on Maddie’s front door. I hopped up and ran to the door. We had been sitting on the couch in her living room waiting for them. I opened the door to see Louis and Harry in casual clothes. That’s good I guess, because if we dressed up then we would look pretty ridiculous. Louis was wearing his usual stripes and suspenders and Toms, and Harry was wearing a t-shirt that said “Wanna Cuddle?”.

“Hi Hunter! Is Maddie in there with you?” Harry said anxiously.

“Right here!” Maddie said and popped up behind me. “Nice shirt Haz.”

“Haha thank you” He said.

“Okay, so where are you guys taking us?” I interrupted. 

“Well, I figured we’d let these two lovebirds do their own thing…”

“LOU YOU’RE GOING TO EMBARRASS ME!” Harry interrupted.

“And then we were going to do our own thing. But your date is a surprise!” Louis finished. We went out to two black vans, Maddie and Harry went into one, and Louis and I went into the other. I thought this was going to be a double date but I guess not. 

We drove for about 20 minutes, talking about ourselves and our families and friends. He told me about his sisters, and I thought it was really cute how much he loves them. He would do anything to make Charlotte, Felicity, Daisy, and Phoebe happy. We pulled up to think brick building somewhere in a sketchy looking part of the neighborhood.

“Louis, what’s this?” I asked nervously. I knew Louis was a good guy, but it seemed like a gang would walk out from an alley and beat us up or something. 

“Just follow me. You have to trust me.” He said, smiling a bit. We walked inside (we were holding hands, I fangirlled a bit) and went into this old elevator. I thought it was going to break, but I just held on to Louis and hoped for the best. Eventually, the elevator stopped on a floor and we got out. We walked up a flight or two of stairs and were standing in front of a door. Louis put his hands over my eyes.

“What’s this for?” I asked, giggling.

“It’s a surprise!” Louis said excitedly. I walked a little further with Louis’s hands covering my eyes and heard the door open. I took a few more steps and Louis took his hands off my eyes. I opened my eyes to see a candle-light rooftop picnic, with the sun setting on the horizon. It was really romantic.

“Awwwh Louis! This is perfect! When did you do this?” I couldn’t believe it. I figured he didn’t have that much time, being famous and all.

“Well, we finished the signing at 2:30, then I helped Harry set up his date with Maddie, we drove here and set up our date and then drove to the hotel, got dressed and drove to pick you guys up.” He said. 

*New Text Messege from MAD:) *

OMG Haz is the sweetest boy. Possibly the best date any1’s ever planned for a girl

“So what did Harry do for Maddie’s date?” I asked.

“He set up a picnic for her in this random field away from everyone else. Not as cute as this….but you know, it’s Harry, he gets all the girls no matter what.” He answered.

“You don’t get the girls? Because I’d pick you any day.” I said.

“Awwh thanks babe. But not really, I mean, I’ve had other girlfriends. But the girls I REALLY liked never went out with me. Until you. Hunter, I really like you, and I hope we can do this again some day.” Louis said with a serious face. I’ve never really seen him with a serious face. I was so used to his weird, funny faces from the video diaries that I never saw him with a serious face.

“I would LOVE to do this again! Any time you are back in America, we should meet up!” I said excitedly.

“Well, here’s the thing. I would love to see you in London too…maybe you could visit sometime?” Louis asked hopefully.

“I’ve always wanted to visit London! Maybe I could ask my mom if me and Maddie could go on vacation there and we could hang out with you guys the entire time?” I said. 

“YES! Harry and I could take you sight-seeing, maybe take you two to Paris to go shopping, you know, girl stuff!” He said excitedly. I knew how much he liked shopping.

“We would love that!” I said happily. I couldn’t wait to tell Maddie. 

We finished the picnic and talked about other things and got to know each other. Then we packed up the stuff and got back into the van and drove to Maddie’s house.

*New Text Messege from MAD:)*

GIRRLLLL I can’t wait to stay “Up All Night” (get it, haha) Talking about our dates! Hurry up and get to my house!

We were like, a block away. Geez, Maddie must really like Harry. We pulled up to Maddie’s house, and Louis walked me up to the door.

“I had a great time.” Louis said.

“I did too, I hope we do this again, next time in London!” I said jokingly.

“Yes!” He said happily. He stared into my eyes and next thing I knew, he leaned forward and touched his lips to mine. I can’t believe it. He kissed me. I obviously kissed him back, WHO WOULDN’T? He pulled away, and I blushed.

“See you later, love” He said.

“By babe!” I opened the door and walked inside to tell Maddie all about it.

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