Chapter 4

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AN: SUMT WARNING!!! Would not suggest to the pure of heart. Also next chapter is going to be Bakushima, because I'm the author and I can do whatever I want with my books! 

~Todoroki's POV~

     Midoryia's room was small. There was All might posters on the wall a book self filled with notebooks. There was a computer and a dresser to keep his clothes in. His bed was at the back of the room; Midoryia sat down on the bed; it took all my willpower not to pin him to the bed and start stripping him of his clothes, the only thing in between me and his body. He patted the spot next to him, telling me to sit. I walked over to him and sat down beside him.

     "So are you gonna tell me why you wanted to stay the night?" He asked turning towards me.

     "I don't know, are you going to tell me what you were maturing about?" We were getting dangerously close. 

     "Well-I um you see that um," his face was flushed and he was trying to cover it up with his hands and shirt, which revealed a bit of his abs. I was getting a little hard. "I was maturing about you Todoroki." He whispered hoping that I wouldn't here but I did. 

     "And what were you maturing about me?" I asked with a seductive tone in my voice as I got closer. He exhaled deeply; was he enjoying this? Did he like it when I talk to him like this? I was getting harder.

     "I was thinking how I couldn't get you out of my mind, I couldn't focus in class because I was thinking of you! I know you don't feel the same way as me but I want you in my bed late at night, I want you to be close to me!" 

     I really couldn't hold back any more; I through myself at him, pining him to his bed and kissed him. After the shock melted away he kissed me back. He slinged his arms around me and pulled me closer. We broke apart from the kiss gasping for air. I looked down at the freckled boy to see that he was crying, did I do something wrong? 

     "Midoryia?" I asked afraid that I might have hurt him or took it to fast. "I'm so sorry I-," 

     "Don't be." He said looking up at me tears in his eyes. "You like me, you really like me?" He asked.

     "No I love you, more then you'll know!" I almost shouted at him.

     "But why love me? You could have anyone you want."

     "I want you and no one else, you here me? I love you and you alone!" How could he ask a question like that? What is there not to love about him? 

     He soons pulls me back for a kiss, are lips touching but I wanted more. I asked for entrance by liking his bottom lip. He gasped which gave me time to slip my tongue in to his mouth; he moned at the feeling. We fought for dominants, but Midoryia soon gave up and let me explore his mouth. I grinned against his hard cock that was hiding under his clothes. 

     "Aaaah! T-Todoroki!" 

     "Say my name again." I told him, grinding harder on him.

     "Todoroki!" He was screaming my name gasping for breath that he had lost during all the pleasure I was given him. His hands moved up my shirt to explore my body. I could feel him touch my abs and my chest. His fingers brushed over my nipples, my mones got louder with his touch. When he was distracted, I slipped my hands down to his waste and pulled off his pants so he was left with only his shirt and underwear. I lustfully gazed at the tent in his underwear, stroking it with the tips of my fingers. Sweet mones and ahas came out of his mouth.

     "Todoroki," he looked up at me with bagging eyes. "Please, just fuck me already." And with those beautiful words, I stripped him of his clothes and mine. I gave him my fingers to suck on. After awhile I pulled them out of his mouth and into his ass. He groaned in protest and in pain. "Todoroki," 

     "Call me Shoto." I whispered in his ear.

     "Shoto i- it hurts." He wined. 

     "It'll feel good in a minute." I started scissoring him making him screaming with joy. He thrusted his hip bagging for more. I now had three of my fingers up his ass. He squeezed his eyes shut and gasped in air from the surprise.

     I pulled my fingers out and replaced it with my tip. I went deeper and faster, with every mone that came out of Midoryia. I went deeper and faster till I hit his sweet spot making him scream my name. At that moment he cam, then I cam shortly after. We lad down in the bed, our chasts rising up and down our desires for filed and replaced with satisfaction. 

     Midoryia cuddled close and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Did it feel good, Midoryia?" I asked.

     "Please call me Izuku and yes it felt amazing."

     "That's good to hear."

     "Now you owe me an explanation." He said not for getting our deal.

     "Well my father is on a rampage and is braking stuff back at the house so it isn't safe for me to be there at the moment." I tell him as we get under the covers.

     "Well you're safe with me Shoto!" He said smiling at me.

     "Good knight Izuku, I love you." I gave him a kiss on the forehead and rested my head on a pillow. 

     "I love you too!"

AN: Oh fuck sorry it took so long I was sick and had ALOT of work to do. This was a pretty long chapter so sorry about that. The next chapter is going to be Bakushima! Thank y'all so much vote and comment please. 

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