Time Repeats

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Two hours passed.
"Okay. Take some rest. At 6 you'll have dinner. Be on time. On dinner I'll try to teach you some table manners. After the dinner is finished, you can enjoy your free time while I work on your costumes. Tomorrow you'll wake up at 6. Then exercise. After that you'll meet your dance teacher. He'll teach the new dance. If you're done, meet me at the music room. You can go."

-Next Day ; music room-

"How's your lesson?" I asked them when they're entering.
"It's a lot harder than I thought......" Yuuta commented.
"*chuckle* You'll soon be thankful. Okay now, I've made the costume designs and bought the materials. Now I'm going to measure your body. Ah. Before that, tell me what you think of the designs." I gave them the papers.
I could see their eyes glowing in excitement. For a minute, they looked at the designs and then they said that they loved it.
"Now lineup please." They do as I said and I started right away the measuring process.

After I finished, I told them that they could enjoy some free time or whatever they want. I walked to the studio equipped with sewing related stuff. And continue working on their costumes. It'll take quite a while since there's 10 of them. But nah whatever. I'll finish it asap. I'm hoping there's enough time for them to grow. It's so important. I can't change the basics. I believe they will. They're talented enough to surpass the standards. Can't wait for them to be a star.

Time passed by and it's already late. I heard knocking.
"Come in." I replied.
Facing the door, Tomohisa was there with Kazuna.
"You must eat." Tomohisa started.
"You even passed the dinner." Kazuna said.
"*sigh* Sorry, I'm busy right now."
"Eat. You're the one who told us to eat properly." Tomohisa stated.
"Just please. Eat. Your body needs energy."
Sighed in defeat, I took the plate that they brought me. Put it aside, waiting for them to leave. But they're not move an inch.
"What? You can leave." I said annoyed.
"Not until you finish the plate." I got more annoyed with that sentence.
I took the plate again and started to eat. Why..... don't they have better things to do? Why they even care for me? Like I'm a little kid. When I finished, I took the plate, give them, and pushed them out. So annoying.

Few hours passed. 5 o'clock.
Gosh it's already morning. I didn't have any sleep. But at least 3 of them completely done. I'm exhausted. I took my phone and opened message app.
Me: "Yuki, please tell Nori (OC) to come here to teach them vocals."
Yuki: "Okay. But, shouldn't that be your job? Not complaining, you never asked somebody before."
Me: "I must finished their costumes. 2 days left."
Yuki: "Don't overdo. Remember what happened back then?"
Me: "I just can't..... Please tell Nori to not talk about me in a bit."
Yuki: "Whatever. Get some rest."
Hopefully I can. But, their costumes are more important. Probably I'll cook them then get back to the costumes.

I walked out of the studio. Went to the kitchen. Took some ingredients for the meal. I started to cook. I'm just gonna make this simple. A proper breakfast meal. Not too much but not too less. Then I leave them a note. Okay let's get back to the costumes! Ugh. I'm tired. Should I get some sleep? Maybe later. After I finish at least 5. I walked back to the studio and continued my work with the costumes.

- Meanwhile on the other side of the mansion -

The alarm rang at 6. Waking up the rest of the residents. All of them immediately got ready. They felt something wrong. (Y/N) wasn't there. They kinda glad, but not in a good way. As far as they know her, she would be there. Even they've known her just for a few days. It's just felt not right.

"Uh.... guys... I'm glad that she's not here to mock us." Yuuta started.
"Weird......" Ryuuji commented.
"Is she busy?" Hikaru asked.
"Probably." Kazuna answered.
"Now, we all believed in her right? Then we should start the exercise. Even she's not here to watch us. We'll show her we've improved." Tomohisa said, with them nodding all the time.

-Mini Time Skip-

-3rd Person POV-

Later that day, Nori came to teach vocal. Knocked twice, one of the boys got the door for him.
"Good afternoon. Can I get in? I will talk about it inside." Nori said, leaving Kazuna speechless.
Kazuna opened the door larger. Nori walked in. Then they walked to the living room. Nori sit on one of the sofa.
"Let me introduce myself. My name is Hiroto Nori, (Y/N)'s senior. I'm here to teach you vocals while (Y/N) is working on your costumes."
"S-senior? I'm sorry and let me be honest before I lied. You look like her student actually." Yuuta asked.
"I wish I was her student."
"Sorry, but your name-" Kento commented but cut off.
"Yes, I know. I'm known in acting industry. I trained as an idol."
"Is (Y/N) that busy?" Tomohisa asked.
"How do I know? She just told me to teach you, nothing more."
"Get ready. We'll start in 15 mins. Meet me on the music room."
They all sighed.

-Time Skip-

After all the lessons and dinner, they still didn't see (Y/N) at all. Strange. But it's what it is. They were in the living room with Nori.
"Why didn't she eat dinner?" Tomohisa asked.
"She is too busy probably. But I've delivered some foods for her."
"Is she going to be okay? I mean, she probably won't eat." Kazuna commented.
"I agree. I said to her if she didn't eat, I'll announce your debut move to next month."
"What?!" they all said in unison.
"If not like that, she won't eat. I'm sorry guys. It's for her health. I won't let the time repeat itself."
They just looked at each other.
"Repeat itself...?" Yuuta asked.
"I'm afraid I must keep this one a secret. She'll mad at me if I told anyone without her permission. So, I'll keep quiet."
"At least tell us what it is about." Tatsuhiro said.
"It's involve her condition. I'm not answering anymore. You better get some sleep."
They felt on silence and went to their room.

-Big Time Skip ; Night before debut-

"Okay. Your lesson is done. Good luck tomorrow." Nori said, packing his belongings.
"Where...... is...... (Y/N)?" Yuuta asked, kinda worried.
"Unfortunately, I couldn't open the studio's door. I'm worried as well."
"Should we check her?" Kazuna suggested.
They all nodded. They walked towards the studio.
When arrived, they immediately knocked. No answer. Again, no answer.
"Is she okay?" Hikaru asked.
"I don't know." Nori shrugged.
"It's locked." Tatsuhiro said.
"Should we break in?" Goshi commented.
They nodded. Tatsuhiro was the one who made the move. The door laid in a loud thud. What they saw, made all their eyes widen, even Nori. (Y/N) laid on the floor unconscious. Her skin was as pale as it could get. Nori immediately ran to her. Picked her up. Laid her down on the living room's sofa.

"Not again." Nori said. His face was plastered with anger, worried, sadness. Without hesitation, he dialed Doctor Ivan's number -(Y/N)'s doctor since she was born-.
"W-why?" Yuuta asked.
"I think it's overworked." Tomohisa said.
"But she should be tired at some points right?" Kento asked.
Nori finished the call and said, "No need to worry that much. She's been through this."
"What?" they said in unison.
"Um. I'll explain later. Take care of her." Nori said and walked out.
"What? How could he leave us in this situation?" Goshi said, pissed off.
"Not the right time to bragging about that. It's better that we take care of her for now." Momotarou said.
"That is true! Tomorrow is the day! We should focus for tomorrow!" Mikado said.
"No. We couldn't debut without her." Tomohisa said.
"Even though the training is a torture." Yuuta continued.
"She brought us to this point." Ryuuji's turn.
"We should not, no, never left her." Kento said.
"Without her, we are nothing." Kazuna said.
"I'm glad you cared about her after all." Nori walked in with the Doctor.
Immediately the doctor checked (Y/N)'s condition. It took him about 15 minutes with an injection at the end.
"So, is she okay?" Hikaru asked worriedly.

"She is not good. Low energy sources. Her body is reacting differently. The stomach trying to get energy from it's walls. The good thing is she could survive. It's not as bad as the last time. She will wake up around five hours from now. She'll not have the strength to move too much. So please keep her safe. She also cannot swallowing anything except water. I'm giving you these syringe to feed her body. Make sure she doesn't get on her own for a good 24 hours by the time she's conscious. I'll take my leave now." Doctor Ivan said while giving the syringes.
"Thank you very much." We all bowed as the took his leave.
"I'm going too." Nori walked out with a mini waves.
"So, what now?" Yuuta asked.
"We'll take care of her at our best." Kazuna said.
They all nodded in agreement.
Gosh I feel so bad. I'm truly sorry. You could hate me.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
23 Feb 2019 ; 23:50

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