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Ralph and Vanellope quickly began to run away from Vanilla Lake, it's beautiful glow enchantingly haunting. The two pushed past all the candy trees, running as fast as they could. Ralph held Felix in his arms tighter than ever, praying that he would make the train ride back to their game. Vanellope and Ralph flew through the forest like deer in their homeland. They dodged trees like it was their profession. They didn't miss a single beat as they raced back to Sugar Rush's entrance. They immediately boarded Sugar Rush's outlet train, panting and heaving. Ralph loosened his grip on Felix and looked down at him. He was still alive, but his eyes were half closed. He mumbled something incoherent as he weakly gripped his side. Ralph caught a glimpse of the gash in his side as he quickly set Felix down. He took the coat of his tux off and quickly wrapped it around Felix's wound. Ralph's large coat dwarfed Felix. Ralph hoped it'd slow the bleeding as he put pressure on the area.

Vanellope and Ralph didn't speak. Not a single word was said as they flew off of Sugar Rush's outlet train and bursted back into End Of Line Game Station. The countdown was a mere 60 seconds away from the New Year. Ralph quickly barreled through people, not caring who he hit or knocked over. Vanellope kept her pace quick behind him. Ralph hollered at people to get out of his way because of the emergency. People quickly moved aside for him, giving their shocked and surprised looks. Ralph quickly began to scan the area for Calhoun and the rest of the group, but they were no where to be found. He continued to rocket towards Power Strip's train station, hoping that somehow they'd save Felix from this fiasco. He wished they had time to stop and search for his bride, but he knew getting Felix back to their game was the top priority. Ralph and Vanellope quickly barreled down into the Power Strip's train station and bursted onto one of the trains. Ralph quickly and anxiously picked a seat just as everyone began to cheer for the New Year. Vanellope gently sat down across from Ralph; he began to fidget uncontrollably and look around.

"Can this train go any faster?" Ralph hollered as it began to putter forward, climbing to it's usual speed. Vanellope calmly sat down next to him and put her hand on Ralph's cheek opposite her, making him face her.

"Ralph, there is nothing we can do right now but wait," Vanellope said calmly. Ralph gazed at her, tears in his eyes. Vanellope heaved a shaky sigh and gazed down at Felix, tears billowing in her eyes as well. Both gamers could feel their blood run cold.

"Vanellope," Ralph said weakly as he looked down at Felix, "Wh-what do we do, how can we- What happens if, he doesn't make it?"

"He will make it," Vanellope tried to act as confident as she could, though she was just as concerned and worried as Ralph was. She gently put her hand on Felix's head and pet his hair, "We have to make him as comfortable as we can. We'll be to your game soon. There will be no stops, so this ride should go by fast."

"Yeah," Ralph frowned as he finally was able to catch his breath. He gazed down at Felix, his eyes still full of tears.

"Ralph?" Felix weakly asked as he put his fingertips on Ralph's chest. Ralph eagerly looked down.

"Yes? What is it?" Ralph questioned in a shaky voice.

"Y-you're, the best bad guy, I-I've ever, known," Felix stammered, almost in a dazed stupor. He winced and groaned as he lulled his head. Ralph steadied him and nodded, trying to keep his attention.

"Felix, stay with me," Ralph said firmly, urging him to stay awake. Ralph inhaled shakily and quickly tightened his coat to Felix's wound. Felix gently groaned in pain and arched his back a little. Vanellope kept her hand on Felix's head as he slumped into Ralph's chest. He gave Ralph a small look of defeat as he began to close his eyes. Ralph softly shook him.

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