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I'm gonna tell you the story that made my life change forever. It was 8 years ago, in the city of *******, I was 16 and my life was at this time was nothing but the typical life of a teenager. I spent the clear of my time hanging out with friends and faking work on my exams. The beginning of my story takes place in a cold night of November 2010. I was with my girlfriend, in the park she owned, since the death of her mother, few months ago, and which was next to the town hall. She never knew her father, so shelived with her uncle.
Let me describe the park just as it was at this moment. You cannot see it now, because it has been turn into a giant set of buildings, by the LMConstruct Company 5 years ago. It was a giant garden, with so many paths that I think she never took all of them. In the middle of it, hidden by oak trees, a small lake was the masterpiece of this beautiful and so quiet place. We were on a wood boat in the middle of the lake, watching the stars.
"Time flies like arrows..." she said. "Yep, and fruits flies like bananas!" I answered, happy of my pun. She started to laugh. "Oh honey, it's the first time I hear this joke and even if I didn't heard you say it, I should have known it was one of yours! Be sure that I'm gonna use this joke! " She laid her head on my chest.
Maybe one hour later, she told me she had a surprise for me, she took the paddles and drove the boat to firm ground. When she finally got on her feet, she turned back to me, sent me a kiss and she vanished behind bushes. It was the last time I saw her alive.
They found her in the morning, next to the oldest tree of the park. You would have thought she was sleeping if the ground around her wasn't all red. I was brought to the police station, all shaking, I made a statement, but they didn't find anything on me, and because I had no motive, they let me leave. My girlfriend's uncle, who was wet with tears, was here and took me in his car to bring me home. But suddenly, on the motorway, he put the car on the emergency stop band and shut down the engine.
"You know", he started, "I am as devastated as you for the horrible death of my niece, and I hope with all my heart that the murderer will be caught, but you have to think that she is now with my sister, and that she is happy there, and god bless her." Because I didn't look convinced, he added: "Show must go on! You cannot stay to this point all your life, you have to make your mourning, and then enjoy your life before it's too late. As my niece would have said: time flies like arrows, and fruits flies like bananas!"
At this words, I froze. My brain started to analyze the last words of my uncle, while I turned my head towards him and look at him straight in his eyes. He was looking at me with a big smile, but I didn't want to smile anymore. I could feel my heart beating in my ears. It was unexplainable: Her uncle wasn't on the lake, he couldn't have heard those words that I said the day before. Two possibilities were in my mind. The first, the one I was hoping it was true, was that her uncle had a kind of telepathic connection with my girlfriend, read her mind and this way knew my pun. The second option, which made me shiver, was that he was involved one way or the other, in his niece murder. Oh wait, doesn't his uncle owns the LMConstruct Company?