chapter 27

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Wayo's P.O.V

The sight in front of me was like a nightmare to me. Just when I thought, finally there might be something between us.....

I can feel my hopes crumbling down.

And the pain in my heart, which I get more oftenly is, more unbearable right now.

I don't know if I should go back home right now or just run upto my room and shut myself up as usual.

I quickly walked upto my room, holding tightly onto my heart. "

"Wayo! Wait I can explain." P'pha came chasing after me.

"There was nothing to explain from the start. It was always like this. There's nothing new at all. Sorry for interrupting." My voice sounds weird from holding my tears back.

I let my tears flow as I get into my room closing the door with a loud 'thud'

I heard P'pha knocking from behind saying some words, which I don't wanna hear.

I jumped onto my bed without changing and pulled my blanket over me. And cried like a baby.

I want to scream and shout but I can't.

It hurts. It always did. But today it somehow is hurting me the most.

This is why I don't wanna keep my hopes up. I still didn't learned my lesson from hurting myself so many times because of same reason.
I should've know it was like this from the start and it will never change.


After few minutes of knocking and trying to explain something he probably left. Because it's quiet right now.

And suddenly I want to talk to my mom. I want to let her know everything. But I can't, don't want her to worry and scared that I won't be able see P'pha again. I hate myself for this. No matter how much he have hurt me I still care for him.

So I called one and only person who knows me better.

When he picked up the phone.

I can't help but only cried for a couple of minutes, letting him know that I'm really sad.
And he just listened silently letting me cry first without asking anything.

When I finally calmed down a little bit he asked.

"Now, can you tell me what happened? "

"I probably am one of the most selfish person in the world P'. I keep telling you about my problems with P'pha even though I know how you feel about me..." I started.

"Wayo, don't worry about me. I was the one who wanted you to tell me about all your problems. Now tell me." He said.

"P'Forth thank you so much for always being here." I said and told him about what happened just a while ago.

After listening to what I had to say P'Forth finally said.

"Ok ! Hate me for this wayo, but I can't see you hurting alone all the time. I'm gonna tell about it to your parents." He said and my eyes widened.

"P' you can't....." But before I could finish my sentence he hung up on me.

No no no. This is not right.


Phana's P.O.V

Just when I was thinking about fixing everything and being a good husband to him. This happened.

I sighed as I entered my room helpless.

And I just broke up with my girlfriend. And send her off . She wasn't ok with it so she went only after cussing me as much as she want.

And right now regret is eating me up. If only I had broke it off with her sooner, this wouldn't have happened.

Explaining everything to Wayo, is gonna be super hard now.

And just when I was about to go to bed I remembered Wayo might get depression again.


I rushed back to his door. And since I know he's not gonna open it for me I just set there facing my back at the wooden door and I fell asleep there.

How does it turned out like this?

I probably deserve to suffer.


I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing beside me on the floor. I checked the time first. It was already 8:15 in the morning. And right now wayo's mom is calling me. I got up quickly from the floor and let out a loud hissed while holding my neck at the pain I got from sleeping here whole night. My neck and back bone, everything were hurting.

Oh! I forgot to pick up the phone.

"Yes mother?" I replied.

"Phana, I want you and Wayo both home right now." She said sternly.

I can tell, I probably am in deep shit.

And I guessed she already called Wayo too cause when I turned back to knock, he was already at the door fully dressed or should I say he also was in clothes from yesterday. And I noticed his eyes were really pluffy. Making me feel guilty instantly.

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