Mreddie Fercury sat on the birch bench he had flicked the previous morning.
He looked as his fucking hot boyfriend that he had previously smashed bc he's yummy.
He's hot.
"Fucketh Youeth."
"You're sO Gay."
"Hello Brain." Said Rog-er Ma- I mEaN Taylor.
"That's gay."
"Oh look it's MAmI rAlek." FReDdIe MerCuRy ShOuTed, PoiNtIng tO a LitTlE bItcH iN tHe sKy. "aNd loOk iTs aLlIeT eldErsAn."
"No u."
"D A D D Y M A L E K." ROgEr ShOuTEd.
"Let's have a threesome." Rami said.
"Yes." Brian rEplIed.
"Gay." Freddie shouted, kissing Disco Deaky.
Disco deaky was dancing like a yummy Boi.