Lost memories?

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I think i can pass my life easily, i have so many friends, parents and everyone who support me but everything changed until that day. One day in the morning, "U-Umm.." i waked up then checked my mail and i found one from Midorima-kun "Morning, nodayo! Today Taurus'll have a big accident, you better be carefull and take a pink key chain for your lucky item""Ahh.. Oha Asa again" i sent text messages for everyone. My learning & studying activity done without something interesting. After the basketball club practice, "Good work everyone! See you tomorrow""Where do you want to go?""Maybe Rakuzan.. i want to go to Majiba Burger first! See you~""Okay" leaved them and went to Majiba and bought a vanilla milkshake. Then, i riding a bus. Suddenly, a car bumped into the bus and the bus lost it's control so all of the passangers screamed and my head hitted a window. All of my head covered with so many red blood, i can't saw anything again and i fainted here. 

Kuroko's P.O.V 

After she leaved us, we continued to practice for an hours. Then suddenly, i received a phone from uknown number "Hello""Are you Tetsuya Kuroko?""Yes.. Who's this?""We're from Umeda Hospital, we can't fins her parents number""Her? Don't say..""Akari Nozomi got a car accident at 16:00 today and now she's getting coma""Okay.. I'll go there" i took my bag "Where do you want to go, Kuroko?""Hospital.. I've to run! See you!""O-Oi-" they late because i have run and leaved them fastly. I arrived at the hospital and hurried to an emergency room "Nozomi-san" then a doctor came from inside the emergency room "Doctor! What's about Nozomi-san?""Her head hitted the window very strong until she went out and again she hitted exstinguisher fire there and she'll get a deep coma at least 2 days.. It's luck she can save and keep life now""Pardon me.. Thanks, doctor""Yes""You can go inside" the doctor leaved me and i went in to checked her. 

I looked at her, her head is covered by a big bandage because her injury is very big there. Her left hand pierced by an infusion and she breathing with a help of a machine and also i can heard her beating of the heart from the machine, it's unnormal view for me. "Nozomi-san" then i remembered about Akashi-kun and i phoned him "Hello""Ah.. Akashi-kun!""What's wrong, Tetsuya? Anything wrong?""Nozomi-san..""Akari?""She has got a car accident.. Now, she's getting coma""Where is her?""Umeda hospital""Okay.. I'll be there""Thanks, Akashi-kun" he concluded the phone and went there. An half of an hour, he comes "Tetsuya!""Akashi-kun.. Long time no see""Yes" he approached to Nozomi-san "Akari.." he grabbed her hand "Tetsuya.. She's become this because the car accident, right?""Yes. she was a passangers at the bus""Ohh.. Let me call the management""No need, Akashi-kun""But-""I still remember her reason""Reason?""She went and rided the bus to Kyoto""Kyoto?""She wanted to meet you""Akari.." Akashi-kun looked mad to Nozomi-san. 

At the night, Akashi-kun looked at clock "I have to go.. See you, Tetsuya""Yes, Akashi-kun""Can i lend her to you?""Sure.. I'll handle her""Good to heard it" he kissed Nozomi-san's forehead and went out. After that day, Akashi-kun always comes to visit Nozomi-san. He very loves Nozomi-san, Akashi-kun also becomes softly to Nozomi-san rather than with us. Everyone have visited Nozomi-san "I wonder if when will she open her eyes again, to see us""It'll come, Kurokocchi""You're right Kise-kun""She must open her eyes, nodayo""Nozo-chin has to done it""Yes.. You're right" we talked about her and all of them whispered that she will open her eyes. 1 week has left, i saw that Akashi-kun becomes unpatient "Akari.. It's an order, wake up.. NOW!" suddenly, she waked up while opened her eyes. 

(back to my P.O.V) 

I opened my eyes and found that i have sleeping at a bed, with an nfuse then i found 2 boys. One with a spiky red hair and the others with a blue sky hair but who are they? The red one hugged me very tight ""..""Why you just keep silence?""Who're you?" they shocked "Akari..""So, you're Akari?""No...""E-Eh.. Who am I?" i shocked and touched my head with both of my hands. After a checking, "Miss Nozomi is getting a small amnesia because her head hitted the window very strong and it happened because her coma""I see.." then the doctor leaved us "..""Akari""I'm Akari.. Akari Nozomi?""Yes.. It's you""Oh..""Do you remember Seirin?""Seirin? What's that?""What's about GoM?""Miracles?" then the red one leaved me "Nozomi-san..""I'm sorry.. i can't remember all of you.. i feel guiltily""It isn't your false, Nozomi-san""Thanks.. Umm""Tetsuya Kuroko""Kuroko-kun, right.. Thanks Kuroko-kun!""No problem, Nozomi-san""Yes!" i found one kind person, Kuroko-kun. 

One day, i helped all of nurses there "Here~""Thank you, miss Nozomi! Is it right?""Sure.. I don't mind, don't worry about it!""Haha.." suddenly four boys with different colors come "Ah.. There she is!""Hee?""Akaricchi!""You know me?""Sure, Akaricchi!""U-Umm.. Am i know you?" they shocked and Kuroko comes "Nozomi-san""Kuroko-kun, who're them?""GoM""Oh, I see.. C'mon, let's go to my room!" i invited them to my room. While i ate my medicine, "I haven't told it to you.. She's getting a small amnesia""Really?""Yes.. She can't remember people, school and others""I see.." then i come back "Umm.. Can you introduce yourself?""Ryouta Kise!""Shintarou Midorima""Daiki Aomine""Atsushi Murasakibara" introduced them to me "Ah..""Let's talking the usual""Yes!" then they told me about my old self and they're very kind to me.One day after that, no one comes to visit me but when i watching outside world, the red one comes "Akari""Ah.. Hello" suddenly he kissed my lips "Y-Y-You" i covered my mouth with both of my hands "I'm your boyfirned.. You're mine, we've done it more than 20 times""A-A""Sei""Sei-kun.. Err""Haha" he laughed there and i blushed slightly after saw his smile. 

After that day, i learned to love him and well i love him now. He said that he loves me more than everything at this world, win isn't important for him again. I also very close with Kuroko-kun, he's good one for talking and he's an interesting one and Akashi becomes jealous. After talked to Kuroko-kun, approached to him "Sei-kun!!""Oh you..""What's wrong, Sei-kun? Anything wrong?""No..""C'mon""Break..""Ehh?""Let's break out""S-Sei-kun?""Goodbye" he leaved me, and i just stared there "Nozomi-san""K-Kutoko-kun..""What's wrong?""Sei-kun said break up""He said it?""Why i feeling sad? Why..""It's Love""Love?""Yes.. It's a same feeling from him to you""E-Eh""He always watching you over, just GO!""Okay, Kuroko-kun! Thanks" i runned to chase Sei-kun and i found him walking while a traffic light is red "Sei-kun" i protected him and a car hitted me not him, i get some injuries and i fell down because all of my body get hurt "Akari.. They'll come to help us""A-Ah..""I'm sorry, Akari""I-I-love you, S-Sei-kun""No?!" i fainted there. 

I waked up and i found a beautiful place, "Why you're here?" i turned back and saw an angel "I don't know""Why you help that man? It's almost his times""Because I love him, i want to protect him.. I'm useless""Okay.. I'll give you 2nd chance to life""E-Eh?!" i fell a sleep. And i realized that I lost of breath like a dead person then i waked up "Ah..""Nozomi-san""Kuroko-kun and Sei-kun? Why you're here? I've to go to Rakuzan!! What's time is it? Why i'm here?" they shocked after saw me done that "She has remembered us!""Good!" they very happy "Hey! What's wrong?""Nothing..""Tell meeeeee!!" i screamed to them "Okay.." they explained it to me "..""So?""Are you kidding?""No..""I've come to back to school..""Sure!" then i went back to my house and school.

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