Janis Says Some Weird Shit

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After being friends with Janis for three years Damien had gotten used to the unusual things that came out of her mouth. She had no filter whatever she thought came straight out of her mouth.

He was honestly surprised she hadn't gotten in trouble for her foul mouth in class more often. The teachers must have gotten used to it too.

I mean her favorite phrases were "that's tits" and "son of a bitch pussy" but sometimes the things that came out her mouth were borderline disturbing.

This was one of those times

They were sitting in the back of gym class and Janis was staring off into space as always and then she suddenly turned to Damien and said "I wanna learn the fortnite default dance and then join the army and do it every time I kill someone."

"What the fuck Janis?" He asked but she was too busy laughing at herself to say anything more.

"Jan that's not funny!"

She continued laughing.

"Why is this what you were thinking about?"

"I don't know! I can't control it!"

"JanJan it's your own thoughts you have control over them and you also have control over what you say out loud. Not all of your thoughts need to be shared."

"But it was funny!"

"Why am I friends with you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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